August 1, 2023
What’s It All About?
A Full Moon always brings illumination and realization especially in the area of your chart where the Full Moon is occurring, as well as the opposite sign where the Sun is transiting.
The polarity of opposites is brought into focus for release and healing. A full Moon represents a culmination point. A super full moon occurs when the moon's orbit is closest (perigee) to the Earth at the same time that it is full.
Relationship Patterns
The axis of the Aquarius Full Moon (which rules the 11th house) and Leo Sun (which rules the 5th house) represents your self-identity and self-image and the others with whom you have relationships in life, i.e. contacts, commitments and legal agreements, etc.
You may be able to have some inner realizations about your relationship patterns that attract certain people and situations with others that until now have operated unconsciously. You may be able to extricate yourself from patterns that have undermined, or sabotaged you in relationships with others.
The full Moon in Aquarius can liberate you and free you up from unfulfilling relationships. It can also be a time when you shine with others and do well in making presentations to groups of people. If you’ve put in the work necessary in your own personal development now you may experience rewards and achieve a new status in some organization, or association.
All things related to Aquarius, i.e. computers, humanitarianism, freedom, progressive reforms, intergalactic travel, technological advancements and scientific discoveries come into focus. Expect escalation in all things related to Aquarian themes.
Future visions of life on earth are being born. Sudden revelations are now likely to occur in humanity’s psyche.
Where in your life are you experiencing an extraordinary illumination/revelation? Or, where in your life are you finally letting go of something that is old and outworn. Where in your life is it time to move on?
Whatever, does not move you forward to your destiny and fulfillment as an individual must be released. As Uranus rules the 11th house (friendships and associations), your social circles can get realigned to support better future prospects. You can also experience good luck coming through a friend, or associate. The 11th house is also associated with good luck.
The Aquarius Full Moon marks the time of Lunar Lammas, the time of year traditionally when harvest begins. It’s the time of year when harmony, balance and renewal are celebrated.
Aquarius Personality
Like the planet Uranus that rules them, Aquarians can be eccentric in their behaviors. As a fixed air sign, they can stubbornly resist any sort of classification. Freedom is their most important value. Above all else they are driven to express themselves as individuals
Aquarius craves mental stimulation and can become bored and disinterested quickly. They frequently like to advance causes that are dear to them, enjoy being independent and self-reliant and can have an exceptionally quick wit.
There are four distinctly different ways that an Aquarius can choose to focus and express their eccentric nature. How they channel their energy can either lead to their success in life, or s feeling of missed opportunities, or even self-sabotage.
4 Types of Aquarians:
1 - Dabblers - those who sample and taste life and never really commit to anything. They love the adventure.
2 - The Visionary - those focused on creating a future utopian world that is technologically advanced. A world in which society supports freedom of individual expression achieves complete realization.
3 - Rebel - those who are always rebelling against any form of authority. This is the Aquarian who has not taken on full responsibility for their own life experience, but blames others for what befalls them and feels victimized.
4 - Generational leaders - these Aquarians encapsulate the movement and changes needed for their generation to succeed. They are activists who work to create revolutionary change in societal structures.
Aquarian energy can be quite challenging to focus in a constructive way. The energy of Uranus can become quite destructive. Negative traits of Aquarius natives include being narcissistic, emotionally cold, irresponsible and unreliable.
What’s Up in Your Chart?
Tips for How the Aquarius Full Moon Can Affect You Personally.
Everyone has the Aquarius Moon influence in one, or more areas of their chart. Here are a few areas of your chart where you can experience the Aquarius Moon influence:
- Check where (which house) the Aquarius Full Moon is occurring in your own personal astrology chart. This will give you greater insight into the area of your life where you’ll be experiencing an illumination, as well as letting go of the old and outworn. Where in your life is it time to move on?
- Uranus, the awakener, rules the sign of Aquarius. Uranus is eccentric in its orbit and can have unusual effects on the area of your life where Uranus is in transit (currently Taurus).
- What personal planets are located in your 11th house? Do you have any easy flowing, or hard aspects to this house from one or more of your personal planets? The easy flowing aspects offer support and protection to your feeling of esteem and recognition in the world. While harsh aspects will augment the challenges presented at this time.
- If you have harmonious contacts from your personal planets to your natal Uranus then you will feel more supported at this time. You may want to lean into the energy symbolized by these harmonious aspects to your natal Uranus for support.
- If there are stressful contacts to your natal Uranus you’ll want to take note of this. Challenging aspects give you an opportunity for growth. Remember to always let yourself be guided to the best course of action.
- The Aquarius Full Moon cycle brings fresh realizations, illuminations, rewards and fulfillment. A peak of the Aquarian charge of energy can be felt at the Full Moon. The window of any ‘shocking’ realizations can be felt especially from the Cancer New Moon until the Leo New Moon on August 16th when we start a new cycle of renewal and harvest.
- Your emotions can feel quite unsettled during this time. The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche the emotions will be transient. Best to let your emotions settle before taking action that may have long standing results.
Deeper Insights
The Aquarius Full Moon is at Lunar Lammas which is the celebration of Mid-Summer when the first harvest of crops begins. This annual celebration marks the time when you and our world-at-large will have a chance to embrace an opportunity for the fulfillment of all things related to Aquarius, i.e. computers, humanitarianism, freedom, progressive reforms, intergalactic travel, technological advancements, scientific discoveries.
Future visions of life on earth are being born. Sudden revelations are now likely to occur in humanity’s psyche.
Whatever, does not move you forward to your destiny and fulfillment as an individual must be released. As Uranus rules the 11th house (friendships and associates), your social circles can get realigned to support better future prospects. You can also experience good luck coming through a friend, or associate.
Aquarius Super Full Moon Astrology
9° 15’ Aquarius Full Moon (Lunar Lamas)
Tuesday, August 1, 11:32am PT
Moon Square Jupiter
Mars Trine Jupiter
Mercury Opposes Saturn Rx
Your emotions can feel much more conflicted and complex than usual. The Moon’s usual need for feeling emotionally secure gets complicated when in Aquarius, as there’s a strong need for emotional freedom. This Aquarius Moon may bring gatherings with like-minded others that can help ameliorate and give a positive outlet for your emotions. Pursuing and expressing common future visions with others can help you deal with the negative emotions like fear, anger and jealousy that can surface now. With Mercury opposing Saturn disagreements are possible. Watch for allowing things to get blown out of proportion. Look for the opportunities available that can move you forward, not repeat old patterns.
Healing Gemstones and Crystals for Aquarius
Amethyst - with its many powerful properties, amethyst is frequently used for enhancing your intuition and other psychic abilities. It helps improve the flow of subtle energies through the chakra energy system. A very harmonizing stone, amethyst helps you to shift and make changes. A stone of transformation, amethyst quietens the emotions and calms the mind.
Essential Oil to Use: Frankincense
Use oils that promote clarity and greater perspective.
Aquarius Full Moon Meditation
You can perform your Meditation anytime starting from the time of the Aquarius Full Moon until the First Quarter Waning Moon in Taurus on August 8th at 3:28am PT.
What you will need:
- A white candle
- Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils, or blend of oils
Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil. You can also scent your space prior to your meditation using an aroma diffuser.
Gaze into the candle flame as you begin to breathe in fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your own Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
Archangel to Assist You
At this time, if you choose, you can invite Archangel Jeremial to assist you with your meditation.
Jeremiel’s name means “Mercy of God.”
Jeremial provides comfort and solace to the departed souls of earth, but also helps those still living to take an inventory of their life in order to make positive changes.
It is Archangel Jeremial’s sacred assignment in the heavens to help souls forgive and release grievances, so they can experience higher frequency energies of forgiveness, love and grace and be admitted into the kingdom of heaven.
Archangel Jeremial is associated with colors of deep blues and purples.
Petition your heart and mind with the following affirmation:
Take time to drink in and absorb the response by your heart and mind to fulfill your request. Allow yourself the time needed to fully engage in and experience the results of this meditation.
You can choose an affirmation you wish to focus upon at this time, or make up your own personalized petitions that feel most suitable for you at this time.
- Thank you for assisting me to cultivate and send out messages of love that unify and heal.
Allow the alignment of your heart and mind to bring greater awareness that supports the healing of past grievances. Allow the renewal of your heart, mind and purpose in this moment. Let go of any resistance to being fully present in this moment. Just allow yourself to remain peaceful and calm.
Take as long as needed to complete this meditation. Repeat as needed whenever you feel the need to improve the quality of your communications, or whenever you want to express more compassion and empathy towards others.
ON SALE 2023 Astrological Moon Calendar eBook $7.50 (70% OFF)!
For greater insight about this particular Aquarius Full Moon, along with essential oil recipes, healing meditations, crystals & gemstones to use, eclipse seasons, super moons, planetary retrogrades, meaning of astrological aspects and much more check out my 2023 Astrological Moon Calendar.
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