The Capricorn New Moon brings in the 2022 New Year. It’s time to set your New Year’s goals and intentions for the coming year. Hopefully, you took time at the Gemini Full Moon on December 19th to clear away any stagnant energy in preparation for the 2022 New Year.
Capricorns are the bosses of the zodiac and represented by a goat on the zodiac wheel. They are ruled by Saturn, one of the most serious, diligent and hard-working signs of the zodiac. Capricorns are stern taskmasters and hard working (prone to workaholism). They take their responsibilities seriously and project a realistic outlook which can come across as unnecessarily pedantic and restrictive. Capricorns could easily win an award as the eternal pessimist of the zodiac.
Their mature deliberation is admirable though they can seem more like a boring, wet blanket only out to stifle new initiatives that show promise.
Capricorns can stubbornly refuse to change with the times and if they’re required to make concessions they can become overly moody and show an irascible temper. These are all control strategies. Remember the cardinal signs of the zodiac (Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Aries) control the changing of the seasons. In other words, they have the established role of controlling, not being controlled.
A cardinal sign, Capricorns like to orchestrate and lead any changes. Your best strategy when dealing with a Capricorn is to promote things in such a way that Capricorn feels it was their idea in the first place. Be sure to point out how it supports their favorite objectives and key interests.
On the plus side, Capricorns are the most determined sign in the zodiac. They are extremely well organized and completely loyal to a fault. Their ambition to achieve lofty goals for themselves, their loyal friends, family, company, employees and constituents (if a politician) are unmatched by any other sign in the zodiac.
Capricorn’s can be quite sensitive to criticism. If you want to get on with a Capricorn, show genuine appreciation for all that they’ve accomplished and how much admiration you have for them.
Capricorn New Moon
We celebrate the 2022 New Year tide with a Capricorn New Moon with its auspicious alignments to key planets. Pay attention to the tonal quality of your 2022 New Year. A lot depends upon how transiting planets are aspecting your own personal planets and points.
Venus continues her Retrograde motion which began on December 19th. Venus entered her shadow on November 19th. Was there some type of energetic shift for you on either of those dates?
Jupiter also re-entered Pisces on December 28th. The energies being activated at that time are set to expand over the next few months as Jupiter transits Pisces. A peak period of Jupiter’s transit through Pisces will occur when he exactly Conjuncts Neptune on the 12th of April. Jupiter will, of course, be within orb of Conjunction starting the end of March through mid-April.
The Capricorn New Moon is Conjunct the Fixed Wealth Star, Vega. Good fortune is expanded with this contact for the year ahead, especially for matters related to Venus (love and personal wealth and pleasures) and Mercury (communications, contracts, agreements, connections and networking are all favored this year). This potential for good fortune is further enhanced when the Capricorn New Moon speaks in harmony with aspects in your own personal astrology chart.
Pay attention to what’s happening at the 2022 New Year for indications about how things will unfold for you this year. How things start, is how they go (more often than not).
12° 19’ Capricorn New Moon
Sunday, January 2, 10:33am PT
Moon Trine Uranus (Rx)
Moon Sextile Neptune
Opportunity for the sudden realization of a dream, or idealized future may come. There’s a strong inclination to serve society at large. Social values are strong while individual concerns carry less weight. This can result in your feeling unseen, or left behind in some way. This is a great Moon for deepening in your own sense of self worth and trusting your own inner values.
Essential Oil to Use: Vetiver
Earthy oils that ground, calm and stabilize.
What house is Capricorn located in your chart? This is where you’ll be experiencing a fresh start. You may also be letting go of something, or someone (at the darkest of the Moon, just before the New Moon), that is not working out for you.
Capricorn New Moon EO Recipe
This custom formulation has a rich, sweet, warm, balsamic, floral scent with exotic and sensual notes. This custom formulation will stabilize and balance your mind and emotions as it promotes healing. It will help you make the most of your Capricorn New Moon experience.
To a 5ml (100 drops) colored glass euro-dropper bottle add:
- Frankincense/Olibanum (Boswellia frereana) - 40 drops
- Spikenard Root (Nardostachys jatamansi) - 20 drops
- Ylang Ylang III (Canaga odorata) - 20 drops
- Vetiver (Vetiveria zizaniodes) - 20 drops
Cap bottle tightly and shake vigorously to blend oils thoroughly together. Allow to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.
Capricorn New Moon Meditation
You can perform your meditation anytime starting from the Capricorn New Moon until the First Quarter Waxing Moon on January 9th at 10:11am PT.
What you will need:
- A white candle
Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils, or blend of oils
Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil. You can also scent your space prior to your meditation using an aroma diffuser.
Gaze into the candle flame as you begin to breathe in fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your own Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
Archangel to Assist You
At this time, if you choose, you can invite Archangel Michael to assist you with your meditation. Angels are ‘light’ beings, simply meaning they are aligned with the creative power of the universe to create peace and harmony in our world.
Michael’s name means, “He who is like God” or “He who looks like God.”
Its Michael’s sacred task to rid the earth and all its creatures of fear. The emotion of fear is a very low frequency emotion and can prevent you from accessing/receiving Divine protection and assistance to help you through any difficulties. Michael is especially helpful when needing assistance in finding your life’s vocation, or whenever you need clarity for making life decisions.
Archangel Michael is the leader of all the Archangels. Michael is the Defender of the South and Fire Elementals and upholds fair and balanced outcomes in your personal life, as well as at the collective and global levels.
The Angel of Protection and Courage, call upon Archangel Michael if your home, or space, needs clearing. Michael is the patron angel and protector of all those in the legal and military professions.
Archangel Michael’s strength will help to elevate and align you with thoughts of courage. Michael will help keep your thoughts and feelings aligned with truth and trust for the life process.
Petition your heart and mind with the following:
Take time between each appeal to drink in and absorb the response by your heart and mind to fulfill your request. Allow yourself the time needed to fully engage in and experience the results of this meditation.
You can also make up your own personalized petitions that feel most suitable for you at this time.
- Thank you for helping me have the courage to face all of life’s challenges this year with equanimity and good humor.
- Thank you for over lighting, protecting and guiding me throughout this year.
- Thank you for illumining my mind and helping me be free of doubt.
- Thank you for assisting me to cultivate thoughts of courage and faith
- Thank you for helping me to remain peaceful and calm in the face of an uncertain future.
- Thanks you for enhancing my perceptions, so that I only see the truth that is at work in my life.
Now, be still and silent as you absorb Michael’s angelic healing light. Allow Michael to do the work necessary to bring balance to your mind and emotions.
Healing Light Meditation
Focus at the center of your heart area. See a beautiful thread of vibrant, deep blue light radiating upward from your heart. This healing blue light connects you with the heart of the universe.
Now, see your entire body surrounded by a halo of radiant, deep blue light that is pulsing with vibrant life force energy.
Breathe in deeply and exhale. Release any tension, or feeling of heaviness.
Continue to breathe deeply and allow yourself to relax. With each breath you relax more and more deeply.
Continue to breathe, softly and peacefully, as you absorb the vibrant blue healing light into all the cells of your being.
Feel yourself aglow with this vibrant blue healing light of love.
As you conclude your meditation feel yourself aglow with this vibrant blue light. You are a beaming lighthouse of vibrant blue light.
You may channel this radiant blue healing light through your hands or through your physical presence to heal any dis-ease within yourself, another, or our world.
Let any worry or concern about yourself, friends, family, or the world at large to quietly melt away. Empty yourself completely of any feeling of discomfort you may have been feeling. Just remain peaceful and calm.
Take as long as needed to complete this meditation. Repeat as needed whenever you feel anxious, or fearful about your, or another’s safety.
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