What’s it all about?
The Aries Full Moon (ruled by Aries) is conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer), opposite Venus (the planet of love) in Libra, and sextile to the planet Saturn (the taskmaster) in Aquarius. With Pluto (the planet of regeneration and healing) stationing direct, the scene is set for possible fireworks that expose wounds that have been dormant coming to the surface for healing. This can be an intense emotional time. Though the opportunities for reward are great. There’s the promise of short term discomfort leading to possible long term gains of happiness.
Fall Eclipse Season
We have entered the fall eclipse season. You can feel the effects of an eclipse usually at least 6-weeks prior to its happening. During the weeks leading up to an eclipse you get clear indications about what’s about to change.
We are in the peak intensity of energies activated by the final Square between Uranus and Saturn (October 1-12).
The pressure from Uranus’ Square to Saturn will put additional pressure on you to take advantage of any opportunities available now for realizing visionary forms and structures that will benefit you and our world now and long into the future.
What is realized/illuminated now will play out through the Lunar Samhain occurring on October 25th at the Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse. The Scorpio Solar Eclipse is followed in two weeks time by the Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th.
Though the energies will be felt intensely during this span of time, Mars’ (the planet of energy and action) Station Retrograde will slow the energies down for ‘taking action’ and there will be more of a review about what actions to take until after the New Year when Mars Stations Direct.
Aries Personality
Aries natives are very driven to succeed at whatever they pursue. They are very competitive by nature. Their fiery nature makes them spontaneous, passionate and courageous. They enjoy taking risks and love adventure. They can be honest and direct to a fault, sometimes causing injury by their biting sarcasm.
Ruled by Mars (the planet of action and energy), Aries are bold leaders, aggressive and determined to win at all costs (even when they know they are in the wrong). Aries excel at starting new projects, but can be short on follow through. They often start things they do not finish. Their energy is quick and can burn out just as quickly, too. Aries is prone to becoming bored quickly in their jobs and relationships. Aries live for the quest and pursuing the objects of their desires. Once attained they can lose interest quickly.
Aries will probably be most happy if they are self employed though they are challenged with having a regular schedule and following through on their commitments.
Everything happens very quickly with an Aries. They enjoy adventure travel and their interests are varied and broad. It’s hard for them to settle down. They just love their freedom and independence too much to let themselves be tied down by personal demands on their time. Space is all important to Aries natives.
Aries because they are ruled by Mars (the planet most representative of the raw ego drive active within all of us) are often considered more narcissistic than any of the other zodiac signs. They are not known for keeping their agreements, or following through on plans. Trustworthy is not how you would typically describe an Aries.
What’s Up in Your Chart?
There are lots of places where you can get a free download of your astrology chart these days. One I highly recommend is Astro Seek (no material association). At the touch of a key stroke you access a wide assortment of data about your chart, including transits and progressions.
Everyone has the Aries Full Moon influence in one, or more areas of their chart. Here are a few areas of your chart where you can experience the Aries Full Moon influence:
- Where (what house) is the sign of Aries located in your natal chart? This is the area of your life that will be most highlighted now for experiencing intense realizations and the healing of ego identity wounds.
- What house is the planet Saturn in Aquarius located in your chart? This is where in your life you may get an opportunity to realize a new form, or structure, that can give you stability and security now and into the future.
- What house is Venus in Libra located? You may experience some realization regarding a relationship, or agreement. A relationship, or agreement can end if no longer viable, or go through some sort of change.
- What personal planets, or points are located in your 1st (natural placement Aries ruled by Mars), 6th (natural placement Virgo ruled by Mercury) and 7th (natural placement Libra ruled by Venus) houses? Do you have any easy flowing, or hard aspects to these houses from one or more of your personal planets, or points? The easy flowing aspects offer support and protection to your feeling of harmony, balance and justice. While harsh aspects will augment any struggles presented at this time.
- What houses are your natal Moon, Chiron, Venus and Saturn located in your personal astrology chart? If you have harmonious contacts to and from these celestial bodies in your chart then you will feel more supported at this time.
- You may want to lean into the supportive energies symbolized by harmonious aspects in your natal chart for support.
- You can also take note of whether any of these celestial bodies in your natal chart are being nicely aspected by transiting planets.
- If there are stressful contacts to celestial bodies in your natal chart, you’ll want to take note of these. Challenging aspects give you an opportunity for growth and change. Remember to always let yourself be guided to the best course of action.
- The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens, though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche, the emotions will be transient.
- You may feel overly intense and emotional at the Aries Full Moon. There can be an explosive event that occurs illuminating a struggle between your personal love exchanges and your ego identity. Best to let your emotions settle before acting. Wait to take action until you feel calm and grounded, not in a triggered emotionally reactive state.
- Of course, because we are in the fall eclipse season the timing of events that unfold now may not be entirely in your hands. What is scheduled to change will change at the right time.
- This is a tremendous time for taking charge of your love life and healing ego identity issues. You want love that is mutual, not one sided.
Check out Meaning of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac to find out more how the Aquarius New Moon may be influencing you personally.
Best gemstones and crystals for Aries
Aquamarine - helps to quieten the emotions and calm the mind, can help alleviate feelings of irritation and frustration. Helps relieve stress and anxiety.
Lapis Lazuli - helpful for clearing the higher chakra centers, supports discernment and wise action, aids clarity, communications and integrity.
Rose Quartz - promote self-love and emotional health. May be helpful for releasing emotional blockages. Frequently used for healing emotional trauma and to balance the heart energies.
Aries Full Moon Astrology
16° 32’ Aries Full Moon
Sunday, October 9, 1:55pm PT
Moon Conjunct Chiron
Moon Opposes Venus
Moon Sextile Saturn (Rx)
Venus Opposes Chiron (Rx)
Pluto Stationary Direct
There’s real opportunity to realize an emotional win for yourself though it may come at the price of uncomfortable feelings, at least initially. An old wound may get triggered. It’s a powerful time to advance your cause whatever it may be. Use all the tension being released to fuel the resolution of problems rapidly. However, do not rush, just keep the ball rolling and let events unfold naturally at their own pace.
Essential Oil to Use: Bergamot
Oils that calm your mind and emotions.
Moon (Aries) Conjunct Chiron Rx - extremely painful emotions may be evoked by an old ego wound. A new beginning is possible with this awareness of some old story of loss, or abandonment you experienced previously. Airing things can lead to healing.
Moon (Aries) Opposes Venus (Libra) - you may become aware of an emotional block you have in social situations. If you’ve felt uneasy, or dissatisfied emotionally in social relationships now you have an opportunity to end any struggles between pleasing yourself and pleasing others.
Moon (Aries) Sextile Saturn Rx (Aquarius) - a chance to review your emotional maturity when expressing your ego desires. Meeting your emotional needs does not have to be in conflict with others needs getting met. It may simply be a matter of honest negotiation and diplomacy and having a win win attitude.
Venus (Libra) Opposes Chiron Rx (Aries) - painful issues and realizations about yourself can come to the surface for rebalancing. Relationship wounds can get exposed for healing.
- Pluto (Capricorn) Stationary Direct - Pluto’s station direct adds tremendous intensity and urgency to deal with what’s surfacing now head on. There’s no dancing around things, or putting off the inevitable.
Aries Full Moon EO Recipe
This custom formulation has a sweet, fresh, rosy and floral scent with exotic and sensual notes. Its aroma is warm and tantalizing to the senses. It will help you open up to the relationship possibilities awaiting you at the Aries Full moon.
To a 5ml (100 drops) colored glass euro-dropper bottle add:
- Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) - 40 drops
- Rose Otto (Rosa x damascena)* - 40 drops
- Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) - 20 drops
*May substitute Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum).
Cap bottle tightly and shake vigorously to blend oils thoroughly. Allow to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.
Aries Full Moon Meditation
You can perform your meditation anytime starting from the Aries Full Moon until the First Quarter Waning Moon in Capricorn on October 17th at 10:15am PT, or even at the Lunar Samhain just before the New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse. Additionally, performing an emotional detox ritual is highly recommended (scroll about half way down the page for complete instructions).
What you will need:
- A white candle
- Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils, or blend of oils
Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil. You can also scent your space prior to your meditation using an aroma diffuser.
Gaze into the candle flame as you begin to breathe in fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your own Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
Archangel to Assist You
At this time, if you choose, you can invite Archangel Raguel to assist you with your meditation. Angels are ‘light’ beings, simply meaning they are aligned with the creative power of the universe to create peace and harmony in our world.
Archangel Raguel
Raguel’s name means, “Friend of God.”
The Angel of Justice, Raguel oversees all the Angels of heaven to ensure everything is running smoothly and according to Divine will. Whenever there’s a need for creating harmony and resolving conflict call upon Raguel.
Petition your heart and mind with the following:
Choose one, or more of the affirmations that feels right for you to focus upon at this time. Take time between each appeal to drink in and absorb the response by your heart and mind to fulfill your request. Allow yourself the time needed to fully engage in and experience the results of this meditation.
You can also make up your own personalized petitions that feel most suitable for you at this time.
- Thank you for helping me be a source of peace and harmony.
- Thank you for helping me act humanely and justly in all my affairs.
- Thank you for helping me be a friend to all.
- Thank you for helping me be more kind and tolerant of others.
- Thank you for helping me create peace where there is unrest.
Allow the alignment of your heart and mind to bring harmony to your life. Allow the renewal of your heart, mind and purpose in this moment. Let go of any resistance to being fully present in this moment. Just allow yourself to remain peaceful and calm.
Take as long as needed to complete this meditation. Repeat as needed whenever you feel the need for creating more peace and harmony within yourself and in your relationships.
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