The Secret To Creating The Perfect Blend Let Your Nose Guide You!

People are often put-off from learning how to blend essential oils because they believe that first they must learn about chemistry before being able to formulate a therapeutically effective blend.

Instead the first and most important thing for you to learn is how to touch and be touched by the oils. Developing your intuition when using essential oils is the most important first step in creating the perfect blend. It’s the intimate relationship you develop with your oils that guides you to create the perfect blend, not the science and knowledge about its chemical properties. Though, of course, these are important considerations.

It's true that essential oils have a broad spectrum application according to their therapeutic properties and actions, but more often than not they are enjoyed simply for their scent.

Your sense of smell is considered by many authorities to be the most powerful of your five senses. Scent has an almost mystical connection with your memory. Aroma can touch and affect you at deep levels of being, and influence your other sense perceptions, as well.

In this series of articles you’ll learn how to blend by scent, using the musical base, middle and top notes of essential oil to compose your aromatic blends.

Intuitive Blending Secrets Guide

I’ve always had a passion for music. There are a lot of analogies between aromatherapy blending and music. Formulating an essential oil blend is very much like making music. Like music you can create essential oil blends that are very inspiring and uplifting to your senses, help you to relax and unwind, relieve cold and flu symptoms and more.

Your taste in music is often reflected in the aromas you love most and blends you feel inspired to create. If you like hot, spicy salsa music you are probably attracted to hot and spicy oils. If you like music that’s relaxing you’re drawn to calming oils. Maybe you like a combination of both relaxing and stimulating oils depending upon the circumstances and your desired results.

I love music everywhere but in my blending room. For me blending is very much a meditative experience. I usually like to blend in silence with no distractions, so that I can completely focus on creating my blend.

I also use biodynamic blending methods that take into consideration phases of the moon, among other things. Just like best days for planting are noted in the farmer’s almanac there are best times to create your blends.

The Language of Aroma - Scent Classifications

First let’s talk about the language of aroma and scent classifications by their base, middle and top notes on a musical scale.

I usually start off blending a new formula from the ground up by using one or more base note essential oils. I’m setting the foundation of my perfect blend. For me the base notes anchor my blend.

There are a variety of classifications of base, middle and top note scents used in aromatherapy to describe their odor profile. Next week I'll introduce you to them.

Join me next week for more about, How To Create the Perfect Blend Using Your Intuitive Sense of Smell.

READ my next article, Home Sweet Home +Plus a Classic Calming Blend.

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only.

1 comment

  • Scott

    A truly inspiring guide. I have been working with blends, but your method looks good, I will start with base notes now. Thank you for that. I am looking forward to next week.

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