How's Your Power of Movement & Integration? Do You Have Any Symptoms of Imbalanced Metal Element?

metal_element_publicdomain-2 FIND OUT if You Have Symptoms of Imbalanced Metal Element & Essential Oils to Balance & Restore the Flow of Chi in Your Organ Meridians.

METAL ELEMENT MERIDIANS: Large Intestine (Yang) and Lung (Yin)

THE POWER OF METAL: Movement & Integration

BALANCED METAL ELEMENT supports you to experience enduring compassion and generosity for yourself and others. The nature and primary function of your Heart chakra (the energy center that governs the metal element) is to connect you with the kinetic experience of touching and being touched.

An open, balanced and healthy metal element resonates with the feeling state of JOY to attract experiences of abundance, prosperity and sharing. You easily feel self love and acceptance.


TASTE: pungent

EMOTION: grief

BODY PARTS: lungs, large intestine, skin, nose

COLOR: white

PUNGENT ACTION: Warming, dispersing and drying. Moves energy from the interior to the surface of the body, improving circulation and digestion, dispelling cold and stimulating energy flow.

Balancing Metal Element Promotes:

  • Healing of emotional wounds
  • Letting go of old issues of grief and loss
  • Releasing emotional heaviness, sadness, despair, depression (anger turned inward)
  • Resolving feelings of being unloved or unlovable

446px-Chinese_meridians-public-domain_wiki-3Keywords: Compassion, Empathy, Trust, Optimism, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Joy, Love of self and others, Gratitude, Integration, Fulfillment, Movement, Sensitivity & Clairsentience.

Related Physical Imbalances include: Cardio-vascular problems, Respiratory issues, Allergies, Heart disease, Asthma, Lung cancer, Breast cancer, Thoracic spine issues, Pneumonia, Hypertension, Stroke, Angina, Arthritis, Shoulder girdle pain and discomfort, Rotator cuff injuries, Tendinitis, Carpal tunnel, Arm and hand pain, Chronic restrictions in the upper back and thoracic area.

Related Emotional Stagnation or Blockage of Metal Element emits an energy frequency that resonates with unresolved grief, disappointment and loss that manifests as: Insensitivity, Passivity, Sadness, Depression (anger turned inward), Lack of forgiveness, Anxiety, Being emotionally closed.

ESSENTIAL OILS FOR BALANCING METAL ELEMENT: increase warmth, release mucous congestion, help regulate blood and menstrual flow, relieve colds and flu, soothe painful conditions like arthritis, rheumatism and fibromyalgia.

This is my last post in the Five Element blog series. I've enjoyed sharing this powerfully transformative work with you and hope you'll make the most of the information to enhance your own health and longevity.

Thank you so much for liking and sharing! Please share your comments and questions below where my response can benefit EVERYONE!

Until next time... relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XOLove - KG

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only.


  • KG Stiles

    Thanks for sharing, Jamila. Wishing you all the best!

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