You have the power to transform all of your thoughts.
You can choose thoughts that empower you, or diminish you. The power of choice is yours. In this very moment you are the creator of your life experience. No one else can choose the quality of your life experience.
You are the keeper of your thoughts.
You can choose thoughts that imprison you to a life of victimhood, or choose thoughts that nourish and free you to live a life of empowerment. Only you have this power to choose for yourself. No one else can choose for you.
You can choose to let go of any thoughts of fear, guilt, shame or judgment.
Your free will of choice is inherent in your ability to think. You alone have the power to choose what you will focus upon. You can either elevate your thoughts to the higher thought frequencies of life experience, or reduce your thought frequency and the quality of your life experience.
You attract the quality of your life experience by the power of your thoughts.
You are like a radio tower, transmitting powerful signals to the universe. As we live in a vibrational universe, the transmission of thought energy that you broadcast will attract similar frequencies of energy.
Opportunity or Problem?
One of the most powerful and primary shifts you can make is to begin to frame whatever happens in your life as an opportunity, rather than as a problem. The two ways of framing whatever is happening in your life have distinctly different connotations.
An opportunity carries an inherent positive interpretation of whatever is happening. While a problem feels burdensome and heavy to carry. Problems are something to be resisted. Nobody wants them. Problems can also carry the added weight of low probability of success to overcome.
Try just this one shift in how you see things in your life.
Frame everything as an opportunity, rather than as a problem and see how you feel about what’s happening. Notice what happens as a result of this one simple framing of your mind.
The simplest most direct way to get free of low frequency thoughts and the mind programs that control your life.
I hope by now you know that you are not your thoughts, or a program of thoughts. Nor are you any idea or image that you or anyone else has about you.
The truth is the mind operates like a computer and the programs you are conditioned with are the software that runs the computer. The mind is a vast network of collective data. You inherit these programs and are conditioned to believe them about yourself and life.
Increasing Your Emotional Set Point
One of the most important steps to healing yourself from attracting low frequency thoughts and the shadow they cast upon your life is by increasing your emotional set point.
Just how good can you allow yourself to feel?
There is a glass ceiling, or emotional set point, that keeps you experiencing emotions within a certain range.
This means you have a pre-set comfort zone for just how good or bad you can allow yourself to feel without feeling pain or discomfort.
3 Ways To Raise Your Emotional Set Point
- Framing things in a positive way (as we've been discussing in this blog). This means that you see things as working for you and on your behalf to help you succeed.
- Sending love, compassion and self acceptance to yourself will elevate your emotional set point.
- See all things working together for good, no matter the appearance. It is a mis-perception if you believe any appearance as working against anyone. There is only one life force energy supporting all of creation. It’s impossible for life to be against you or anyone else.
Self Discovery
Self discovery or “self inquiry” was taught by the Indian saint Ramana Maharshi. Ramana used the question, “Who Am I?” in meditation for revelation of the “spiritual heart,” awakening to the true Self.
Recently popularized by Eckhart Tolle, “self inquiry" has been shown to be an effective way to heal your shadow and free you from shadow possession.
When you do self discovery or “self inquiry” you move beyond the intellect to the space behind your question to experience your true Self.
At first “self inquiry” can feel like a mental exercise. If there is “self doubt” about “who you are” the mind will distract you.
Today there are many Advaita Vedanta teachers teaching “self inquiry.” It’s a very simple and direct method for connecting to your “spiritual heart” and realizing your true Self.
Self doubt is the main obstacle that you must overcome.
Self Honesty
The main way to overcome self doubt is self honesty. To heal your shadow “false” ego self you must develop your capacity for self honesty.
Self love and acceptance for yourself and others naturally grows as you learn to trust yourself.
As you go through the process to embrace your authentic natural Self you may experience raw, uncensored and intense mental attitudes and emotions that have been repressed in the shadow.
In a moment I’ll show how to cut yourself free of any toxic mental and emotional patterns that may surface through the power of observation and silent witnessing.
However, for some people the purging and release can feel so intense and overwhelming that you may wish to work with a trained professional to get support through the process of recovery and awakening to your true Self.
Power of Observation
All the methods we’ve discussed throughout this series help to train your mind to focus on love instead of fear. Re-training, or re-conditioning, the mind can be a very slow and tedious process and can be fraught with many challenges.
I myself followed this 'slow' methodical route for many years without much great progress in the grand scheme of things. I realized if I was to experience freedom in this lifetime I was going to have to do something radically different.
The mind is not an instrument for healing the "unconscious,' or shadow mind, as its dual nature is part of the problem.
Consciousness, however, which gives rise to the mind can be used effectively to recognize your true Self. In fact consciousness can ONLY recognize consciousness. Essential oils are effective for healing the 'unconscious' shadow mind and can help you recognize the Self because they work at all levels of your being.
The simplest way to heal the shadow and overcome self doubt about who you really are is simply through observing, being the “silent” witness.
You are the observer, the silent witness of everything that happens in life. You are the peaceful presence that gives rise to everything.
Simply being the observer of whatever is happening has a neutralizing effect upon the mind and emotions and brings peace and contentment.
Try it yourself and see what happens!
Healing is inherent to life and occurs naturally through the process of observation and developing your capacity to be the silent witness of what is happening. Rather than identifying with anything that is happening.
Everything in the phenomenal world is passing while “who you are” is stable and unchanging.
It can take awhile to shift to this position of the “silent witness” of life events. The habit of the collective mind to believe false ideas about existence must lose their repetitive force and magnetic attraction.
As you withdraw the source of power from energizing any false “mis-creations” that you have wrongly believed into existence they will eventually dissolve.
This is true freedom!
Oil to Support Self Honesty and Being the Silent Witness
Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi) - Steam Distilled Root. One of best locations for growing and distilling is Nepal.
Aromas: Sweet, earthy, resinous, woody, exotic, sensual, warm, radiant
- Most powerful sedative action in aromatherapy
- Excellent as an anointing and healing oil for ceremonies
- Ideal meditation oil
- Traditionally used in many incense formulas
- Regulating properties promote balance
- Promotes emotional healing and release of old fears and anxiety stemming from past traumas.
- In the foot balm Mary Magdalene used to anoint her master’s feet in the New Testament of the Bible.
Archangel to Assist You
Chamuel “One who sees, or seeks God”
Chamuel is one of the most powerful protection and healing angels and a central leader in the Angelic hierarchy. S/he is one of the Angels known as the ‘Powers’ whose task is to protect the world from fearful and lower plane energies. Call upon Chamuel whenever you feel the need for comfort, protection and intervention in worldly events that threaten to overwhelm. Chamuel can help you find your soul mate partner, soul mate family type relationships, or suitable life partner(s) in life, business, or community. Chamuel can help you to experience unconditional love in your relationships. Call upon Chamuel to recover what has been lost and to strengthen your relationships. The color associated with Chamuel is soft pink.
Tips for how to get the most benefit from these lessons:
At the beginning of your day while in a relaxed state of mind focus on the current day's lesson. For instance this week's lesson is, “I Can Let Go of Painful Thoughts! I Can Choose to Love Myself Instead.” Most of these lessons will be published bi-weekly, so you can focus on each lesson for two weeks duration. Remind yourself about the day's lesson frequently throughout your day. You can write the lesson on post-it notes and place them around your house as a reminder. Notice when opportunities arise to put the lesson into practice. Take note of your response. Ask yourself if you want to experience peace of mind, or experience conflict? On going to bed before falling asleep remind yourself about the day's lesson. How did you choose to respond to life events and what did you learn.
KG’S NOTE: You can use this series of articles as a course of lessons to help you shift and elevate your vibration to attract better outcomes for yourself. This series is based upon the principles of both, A Course in Miracles and Attitudinal Healing. Through the series you will have an opportunity to experiment and do your own self discovery work. You can allow yourself to be empowered to use time to train your mind to focus on love instead of fear. I invite you to experiment with these lessons to become aware of your ability to choose what you want to experience in life.
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