Libra Full Moon - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
March 25, 2024
What’s It All About?
Eclipses bring into focus what needs to change. We part with the old ways and are firmly set on new paths that open up greater potentials and promises for the future.
Eclipses can operate subtly to bring about that change, but more often than not, the changes are sudden and dramatic, knocking you (and everyone else) off balance for a correction course. After the Eclipses we enter a major period of adjustment that lasts for six months, or even longer.
The Eclipses are happening on the axis of Libra (7th house) and Aries (1st house). These zodiac signs are ruled by the planet of war (Aries/Mars), energy and action, ambition and desire and love (Libra/Venus). These areas of your life are related to your 1st (ego/persona) and 7th (relationships/commitments) houses.
The North Node is activating 1st house matters related to your personal ego drive and identity and physical appearance, as well as the South Node/7th house matters related to your pleasure principle, your contracts, relationships and commitments. Venus generally has much to do with all that you enjoy and value most, and hold most dear to your heart.
Your personal identity and your relationships, contracts and commitments with others are set to undergo major shifts as the North and South Nodes move through the signs of Aries and Libra over an 18-month period that started in 2023.
New beginnings and changes are being ushered in worldwide by the upcoming Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon Total Solar Eclipse. The path of the Total Solar Eclipse will cross Mexico, the United States and Canada. Where the path of the Total Solar Eclipse crosses are the areas of the globe set for the most revolutionary growth and change.
Look for tremendous new beginnings and huge endings to occur during this time period and for six months, or longer. Our lives are being unequivocally disrupted, so that necessary global changes can result. We are being shown rare glimpses into our future. Choices must be made.
You are decidedly making choices that are ‘personally’ right for you. Despite all the complications and intricacies going on, now suddenly everything can become clear and you absolutely know what is right for you and the choice(s) you need to make. You feel strong and clear at the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!
Libra Full Moon
The Libra Full Moon stimulates your desire for harmony and balance in your relationships, and in the world at large. Usually the Libra Full Moon signifies a push to be in more mature and satisfying relationships.
This is a time when there is a longing for the realization of beauty, refinement, artistic and aesthetic pursuits. It can be a time when humanity as a whole can experience the rewards of justice coming to fruition.
The Libra Full Moon each year brings an opportunity for fulfillment and reward in your relationships. Whether business, or personal, relationships of all kinds can get a significant boost.
Now is a great time for negotiating and signing contracts that benefit all parties.
Full Moon energy motivates you to step into your personal power in both your personal and professional life. These are revolutionary and transformative energies at work for you.
It’s a great time to grow your business, a project, or take a relationship to a whole new level. Perhaps you’ll be celebrating an engagement, or marriage.
What’s Up in Your Chart?
Tips for how the Libra Full Moon can affect you personally.
Everyone has the influence of the Libra Full Moon in one, or more areas of their chart. Here are a few areas of your chart to look for:
- Where is the sign of Libra located in your astrology chart? This is the area of your life that will be most affected at the Libra Full Moon.
- Look to your 7th house (house of relationships/contracts/agreements, ruled by Venus). Venus also rules the 2nd house (house of personal assets and what you value). Do you have any personal planets located in either of these two houses?
- What house is Venus located in your natal astrology chart?
- What house is Venus currently transiting in your own chart?
The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche the emotions will be transient. Best to let your emotions settle before taking action that may have long standing results.
Eclipse Dates 2024
Effects of an eclipse cycle will start to be felt one month to 6-weeks, or so, before an eclipse.
- March 25 (9:53pm PT): Lunar Eclipse Penumbral in Libra at 5° 07’
- April 8 (10:18am PT): Total Solar Eclipse in Aries at 19° 22’
- September 18 (6:34pm PT): Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at 25° 40’
- October 2 (4:13am PT): Solar Eclipse Annular in Libra at 10° 02’
Shift in Consciousness
Eclipses represent a shift and upgrade in your consciousness. The shift of the North Node to Aries and South Node to Libra work together to bring about individual, as well as, global shifts in consciousness.
In 2024 the nodes of the moon are primarily in the signs of Aries and Libra. What are both the Aries and Libra eclipses about? Find out all about this year's eclipses in my 2024 Astrological Moon Calendar.
Read my article: What are Eclipses and What Essential Oils Should I Use?
Libra Full Moon Astrology
5° 07’ Libra Full Moon
Monday, March 25, 11:00pm PT
5° 13’ Lunar Eclipse Penumbral
Monday, March 25, 11:13pm PT
Moon (Libra) Trine Pluto (Aquarius)
Moon (Libra) Opposes Sun (Aries) Sextile Pluto (Aquarius)
Venus (Pisces) Sextile Jupiter (Taurus)
Venus (Pisces) Sextile Uranus (Taurus) (exact March 28, 2024)
Mercury (Aries) Stationary Retrograde (exact April 1, 2024)
What Does It Mean?
The Libra Full Moon is deep and transformative for your relationships and contracts of all kinds. Commitments may end that do not satisfy your emotional need for mutual satisfaction. Venus (planet of love, pleasure and money) Sextile to Jupiter and Uranus is bringing you opportunities to free yourself from relationships that leave you unfulfilled. Your dreams for greater happiness and fulfillment can be realized now and into the future if you’re willing to let go of what is not working for you in the love department. To attract juicier relationships, you must believe you deserve them. Mercury’s Retrograde in Aries will help you to re-establish your sense of self-worth if that is an issue.
For greater insight about this particular Libra Full Moon, the Libra Personality Traits, along with essential oils to use, angel therapy healing meditations, crystals & gemstones to use, eclipse seasons, super moons, planetary retrogrades, greater understanding about the meaning of each of the astrological aspects occurring and much more check out KG's 2024 Astrological Moon Calendar.
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