Soothe any trouble and quieten
emotions as you
a life visioning meditation.
Plus, with the assistance of Archangel Michael, free yourself from any fear, or trepidation about the future and living your best life.
Feelings drive your actions. Fear is the single greatest inhibitor of freely flowing through your life experience. Fear triggers your fight, flight and freeze response. Not much information for making positive choices and changes can get through such a barricade of overwhelming fear.
The primary mechanism of fear is the need to control outcomes. The more you access and free up your feelings the better your outcomes in life will be. Fear operates off of a fight, flight or freeze response and block the Divine guidance of your intuitive feelings. Your intuition is your key source for navigating safely and prosperously through life. Today, you have an opportunity to free up your intuitive feelings and get the wise support that's always available to you.
Key Essential Oil to Use
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) - steam distilled from flowers.
Aromas: Sweet, herbaceous, fresh and fruity
German Chamomile has been a respected oil in use for over 3,000 years. Its aroma is pleasing, light, sweet and slightly herbal, similar to chamomile tea.
German Chamomile is one of the most gentle oil’s in aromatherapy. Its action is delightfully soothing. So gentle, its frequently used to soothe fussy babies.
Its yin character makes German Chamomile excellent for balancing yang conditions, i.e. hardened attitudes, and cooling excess heat. i.e. anger, frustration.
Chemical Class: Sesquiterpene
German Chamomile is comprised primarily of sesquiterpenes. Its high azulene content gives German Chamomile its deep vibrant shade of blue. As with other blue oils, it can stain so care when dispensing.
- Contains powerful calming properties
- Nourishing for skin, hair and scalp
- Provides a soothing and calming effect
- Traditional remedy for fussy babies
- Promotes relief of tension and stress
Dispense 1-3 drops of German Chamomile pure essential oil on a cotton ball, or smell strip. Slowly introduce the oil into your system by breathing in their vapors. Exhale fully and inhale once more. Continue breathing in the aromatic vapors for 30-60 seconds. Then allow yourself to rest for 5 minutes.
Breathing in the vapors of your German Chamomile oil several times each day helps to calm your nervous system and gently soothes any stressed out emotions.
How to Stay Sane in an Insane World - Step 8
Life Visioning Meditation
You are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. If you like, you can invite Archangel Michael to over light and assist you with your meditation.
Archangel Michael's name means "He who is like God". Michael is here to help you become free of fear. Call upon Michael whenever you need help with life direction issues. Archangel Michael helps you have the courage to make necessary changes for the fulfillment of your life purpose, that which fulfills you and brings you joy and happiness.
Dear Archangel Michael, I call upon you now to assist me in experiencing a clear feeling and vision of me living my most satisfying life.
Focus your awareness at the area of your throat chakra (intuitive center of creativity) located at the center of your throat.
Breathe in fully and allow yourself to relax and feel nourished at the deepest level of your being.
Allow yourself to day dream about what it feels like to live your most satisfying life. Do not force, or project what you ‘think’ you want, but rather patiently wait to be shown. How you feel is far more important than how things look. Allow intuitive feelings and images to naturally bubble up to the surface from the depths of your being to guide you on your best path forward.
Continue breathing as you relax more deeply and allow feelings and images about your life direction to naturally surface for 1-5 minutes, or as long as feels right for you.
The key to fully enjoying and experiencing a felt sense of your best life is to breathe and relax as you perform this meditation. Archangel Michael will assist you in feeling and imagining your best life for yourself. Have no intention other than to feel what it feels like to experience your best life unfolding perfectly for you in this moment.
At the end of your meditation if you received guidance, or an impulse for taking action during your meditation, then take action immediately after your meditation. This sends an important message to your subconscious mind and aligns and harmonizes your inner being.
You might like to do this meditation with Archangel Michael daily for a few minutes to support the natural unfoldment of your best life. Your consistent daily meditation (even for brief moments) will strengthen your ability to relax and access your highest Divine guidance for protection and insider information for where to be and what to do at all times.
Life Visioning EO Recipe
Try this essential oil blend to stimulate the creative flow of images and intuitive feelings. Helpful for life visioning exercises and lucid dreaming.
To a 5ml (100 drops) euro-dropper bottle add:
- German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) - 10 drops
- Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) - 20 drops
- Ylang Ylang III (Cananga odorata) - 30 drops
- Mandarin (Citrus deliciosa) - 20 drops
- Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) - 20 drops
Cap bottle tightly and shake vigorously to mix your oils thoroughly. Allow to synergize for 12 hours, or longer before using.
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