Essential Oils to Use During a Mercury Retrograde +2019 Dates

Mercury retrograde usually happens 3-4 times a year. 

Just as Mercury ‘appears’ to start going backward your conscious, everyday thinking mind, can also take an about face and shift backward, as well.

Your thoughts can become clouded and time may take on an altogether weird seeming quality. Either time seems to stand still, and you feel in limbo, or time speeds up and there seems to be even less of it than usual.

Being aware of Mercury’s shift to retrograde and how to make the most of it can be a real life saver. By knowing when Mercury is Retrograde in 2019 you can save yourself heaps of time, energy, money and lots of frustration.

You can also use essential oils to ameliorate the mercury retrograde influence (if any) and soften any harsh planetary influences during that time.

In 2019 Mercury Retrograde occurs primarily in water signs.

The air over water combination of elements can make for high seas and turbulent emotions. Certain essential oils can be especially helpful for unstable or extreme emotional states during the 2019 Mercury Retrograde cycles. 

My recommendations for the best essential oils to use this year, along with a Mercury Retrograde Formula for you to try, appears below.

    Here Are the 2019 Mercury Retrograde Dates

    • March 5th Mercury Stations Retrograde at 29° 36’ Pisces (water sign).
    • March 28th, Mercury Stations Direct at 16° 6’ Pisces (water sign).
    • July 7th Mercury Stations Retrograde at 4° 25’ Leo (fire sign).
    • July 31st, Mercury Stations Direct at 23° 57’ Cancer (water sign).
    • October 31st Mercury Stations Retrograde at 27° 37’ Scorpio (water sign).
    • November 20th Mercury Stations Direct at 11º 38’ Scorpio (water sign).

    Sign-up for Weekly Moonscopes Astrology Forecasts 
    To get all the details about this year’s Mercury Retrograde Cycles and how to make the most of them, including Retrograde Shadow Phases. 

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    The 3 KEY Essential Oils for you to use during ANY Mercury Retrograde.

    Lemongrass, Frankincense and Ylang Ylang III. Find out more about each below.

      3 Additional Essential Oils for 2019 
      These essential oils are especially useful for unstable or extreme emotional states that may occur during the 2019 Mercury Retrograde cycles. Use alone, or in a blend.

      Tangerine (Citrus reticulata)
      Scent: Fresh, sweet, citrus, delightful.

      • Promotes fresh and peaceful state of mind.
      • Psycho-emotionally freeing to the senses.
      • Potent antidote for an overly serious state of mind.

      Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)
      Scent: Fresh, sweet, fruity, citrus, spicy and floral.

      • Promotes anxiety relief.
      • Balancing and calming effect on the mind and emotions.
      • Brightens and cheers the disposition.
      • Helps regulate the mood.

      Red Mandarin (Citrus deliciosa)
      Scent: Fresh, sweet, citrus, warm, fruity and floral.

      • Acts to soothe and balance the heart’s energies.
      • Very gentle action, soothing and calming to the senses.
      • May help alleviate confusion and over-thinking.

      2019 Mercury Retrograde Formula
      To a 7.5ml euro-dropper bottle (approximately 150 drops) add:

      • Tangerine - 20 drops
      • Bergamot - 20 drops
      • Red Mandarin - 20 drops
      • Lemongrass - 20 drops
      • Ylang Ylang III - 50 drops
      • Frankincense - 20 drops

      Cap bottle tightly and shake vigorously to thoroughly mix oils together. Allow to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.

      Here's more on the 3 KEY Essential Oils to use during ANY Mercury Retrograde.

      Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
      Scent: Fresh, sweet, lemony and herbaceous.

      • Calming influence, useful when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
      • Helps you release mental and emotional blockages.
      • Promotes positive, feel good vibes.
      • Supports a 'go with the flow' mindset.
      • Helps you relax when you’re feeling uptight.
      • Helps relieve a too rigid mental attitude.

      Frankincense (Boswellia frereana or Boswellia carterii
      Scent; Sweet, warm, balsamic, resinous, woody, exotic and sensual.

      • Holy oil from ancient time when it was considered more valuable than gold.
      • Promotes integrity with yourself. 
      • Helps you breathe more deeply.
      • Supports an intuitive state of mind.
      • Helps you build mental stamina.

      Ylang Ylang III (Cananga odorata)
      Scent: Sweet, floral, balsamic, exotic, sensual and earthy.

      • Helps you stay calm and relaxed under pressure.
      • Useful for dispelling fear, nervousness, worry and anxiety.
      • Promotes release of tension and stress.
      • Supports a more receptive, intuitive mindset.

      Use the mercury retrograde oil to prevent or ameliorate the mercury retrograde effect and soften any harsh planetary influences during that time.

      "This is a fantastic anti-Mercury Retrograde oil. I used it, and had a great Mercury Retrograde. It helps you get the most out of the Mercury retrograde cycle." -Yasmin Boland, Astrologer and Best-selling Author, "Moonology: Working With the Magic of the Lunar Cycles."

      Save 10% NOW on Mercury Retrograde Oil. Order today and get 10% OFF our Mercury Retrograde Formula - Essential Oil or Spray! 

      Use Code MERCURY10 at Check Out.

      Mercury Retrograde Pure Essential Oil HERE

      Mercurys Retrograde Spray HERE!

      WANT TO KNOW MORE About the Mercury Retrograde Effect?

      Read next article, What is Mercury Retrograde and How to Survive It - Essential Oils to Use.

      Find out:

      • Why Planets Affect You.
      • What Exactly Is a Mercury Retrograde?
      • Why Attitude and Mindset Matter.
      • Gifts of a Mercury Retrograde Cycle.
      • How Things Start is How They Go.
      †These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only.

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