“Cultivate the Root and the Leaves and Branches Will Take Care of Themselves.”
Confucius 551 – 479 BC Chinese philosopher
Earth organs and the systems and parts of your body where they are located are what give the necessary structure and foundation to your body that allows it to move and experience life. Your feeling of stability and security in life relies on the healthy balance and functioning of your earth organs.
Power of Earth
Your earth organs are primarily located at the buttocks, pelvis and hip area. Your ability to fulfill your destiny relies upon this area of your body. The seed for your potential in life rests in this area, awaiting activation. Motivation for walking and movement upon the earth gets activated from this portal of earth located here.
Your Organs of Earth
Of all the organs, the earth organs have the deepest most profound influence on the balanced integration of your body, mind and spirit. When your earth organs are balanced and healthy you express a more integrated and holistic approach to living your life.
- Central Nervous Systems
- Adrenals
- Lymph System
- Male Reproduction
- Prostate
- Large Intestines
- Sacrum
- Bones
- Teeth
- Nails
- Legs
- Arms
Emotional Power
When the earth organs are balanced and healthy you feel grounded and supported to awaken to your life’s impulse. People with strong and balanced earth element are those who walk steadily towards their destiny. They exhibit emotional maturity and are not easily flustered in the moment, or continually questioning the proper course to follow in life.
- Procreation
- Motivation
- Drive to succeed
- Vibrant life energy
- Connection to nature
- Connection to life
- Endurance
- Strength
- Fortitude
- Passion
Physical Signs of Balance
- Stability
- Cohesion
- Integration
- Self-Reliance
- Healthy Personal Boundaries
- Synthesis
- Connection to Universal Laws
When your earth organs, systems and parts of your energy system are in balance you feel supported to achieve all of your objectives and desires in life. Implementing your plans can be initiated easily with the appropriate follow through needed to achieve your goals. You navigate and manage the vicissitudes of life with grace and ease. Despite emotional upsets you can maintain self control and never abandon yourself to negative thoughts and emotions.
Physical Signs of Imbalance
- Sciatica
- Constipation
- Ovarian issues
- Uterine issues
- Prostate issues
- Hemorrhoid conditions
Negative Emotions
You may experience imbalance in this area of your energy system as feelings of not belonging, not fitting in, or being ostracized, or abandoned. Negative feelings can frequently be triggered that result in your feeling chronically frustrated and angry. You may feel that no matter what you try you are always be thwarted, or somehow blocked from achieving your objectives and desires. You just can’t seem to move forward in your life.
Stagnation or blockage in any of the earth organs, systems or parts can result in:
Feeling disconnected from your tribe, from your community or family, or even from yourself
The sense of not belonging gives rise to feelings of:
- Frustration
- Rage
- Blocked passion
- Emotional instability
- Self indulgence
- Self-centeredness
- Insecurity
- Grief
- Loss
- Depression
- Conflict between attachment and letting go
Essential Oils to Balance
Promote balance and healing for this area of your energy system by inhaling a pure essential oil or blend that is sweet, earthy and grounding.
Aromas like Vetiver, Ylang Ylang III, Galbanum and Patchouli are all good choices.
Crystals and Gemstones
Smokey Quartz, Red Ruby and Red Garnet
Organs of Earth Meditation
- Focus your attention at your hip, pelvis and buttock area, at the top of your thighs.
- See a beautiful, whirling ball of earth-colored red light, pulsing with energy at this center.
- Recite the following affirmations aloud six times, then silently six times.
- Remember to inhale and exhale fully as you recite your affirmations.
I am one with all of life
Breathe out any resistance you may feel to experiencing your connection with all of life.
I am Connected
Breathe out any resistance you may feel to experiencing your connection with all of life.
I am supported
Breathe out any resistance you may feel for being supported by life.
I am Safe
Breathe out any resistance you may feel for feeling safe and supported by life.
All is One
Breathe out any resistance you may feel to experiencing your connection with all of life.
Feel yourself anchored to the earth through this area of your energy system. Feel the warmth being generated in this part of your energy system. Feel it penetrate your body as it flows down through your legs and out through the soles of your feet, connecting and supporting you to move upon the earth.
READ Next Article in this Series, Organs of Air Healing Meditation & Essential Oils to Use.
READ First Article in this Series, Organs of Fire Healing Meditation & Essential Oils to Use.
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