The New Year brings with it renewed hope and the motivation to make important changes that will lead you to greater prosperity at all levels of your life.
Make the most of this yearly opportunity with a simple ritual that will improve your sleep, encourage weight loss and increase your energy.
Research shows this one simple ritual boosts your serotonin (one of your happiness hormones), cleanses and detoxifies your body, mind and emotions and your entire energy system.
Do you often feel driven to meet too many demands in too little time while running on too little sleep?
Would you like to get back more time and life?
If you can relate to the scenario of too much to do with too little time to do it while running on empty energy reserves, then the 40-Day Challenge is right for you. And, NOW is the perfect time to commit yourself to 40-Days that can resurrect your body and soul and change your life.
Re-Boot and Re-Balance Your Life
Radical self care is a Gamer Changer and critical if you’re to thrive in today’s work life environment. It has never been more important than now to take extraordinary care of yourself.
To multiply the benefits of this simple, restorative ritual add one, or more of the three recommended essential oils to enhance your experience.
Come back to yourself and enjoy being alive in the moment with these three essential oils. Read on to learn the exact recipe and how-to-use formula for cleansing and detoxifying your entire energy system of negative emotions and the accumulated stress to your body and mind.
Restorative Bath
Research shows that a warm bath is the most effective way to boost your serotonin levels and cleanse and detoxify your body and entire energy system.
Serotonin has been called a happiness hormone. It regulates and stabilizes your mood, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin also improves your cognitive functions like memory and learning.
Healing baths have been used since antiquity for purification and cleansing and to restore the entire human energy system, body, mind, spirit and emotions.
As human beings we are primarily made of water. Thus, we have a natural affinity with water as a healing agent.
Water represents your emotions. When your e-motions flow your energy stays in motion.
The meridian energy system for cycling prana, or life force energy, becomes clogged when you resist and/or suppress feeling your e-motions. Taking a warm water bath naturally frees your emotions from stuck to flowing.
Because of their natural detoxifying and healing properties aromatic plants and essential oils have been used for ritual purification, as well as other cleansing and healing practices throughout human history.
Natural sea salts have been used for healing soaks and in ritual baths for just as long. Sea salts are rich in minerals and charged with electrical healing properties. You can especially benefit from sea salts in a warm bath. Think of a sea salt bath as a back to the womb experience.
Sea salts are readily available in your local health-food store in the bulk spice section.
3 Restorative Essential Oils
ROSE GERANIUM (Pellargonium roseum)
Rose Geranium is especially helpful for opening your Second (sexual/sacral) and Fourth (Heart) chakras.
Your Second chakra is your chakra of relationship and when imbalanced can lead to addiction. An open and healthy Second chakra supports healthy relationships of all kinds, including your relationship with money.
Your Fourth chakra is your heart of compassion. An open and healthy Fourth chakra gives you the ability to give and receive love in a balanced way.
Rose Geranium contains antidepressant and analgesic pain relieving properties. It can help alleviate depressive states and help lift the mood. Rose Geranium’s regulating properties act to promote hormonal balance.
Rose Geranium’s relaxant and a sedative properties, can help to relieve stress and strain, nervous tension, insomnia and anxiety.
It's tonic action helps strengthen and enliven the whole body.
CYPRESS (Cupressus sempevirens)
Has an opening and cleansing effect on your First (Root) Chakra and Third (Solar Plexus) Chakra.
Your First Chakra connects you to a deep feeling of belonging and connection to home and family.
While your Third Chakra is the seat of your personal will force and connects you to the desire to manifest your life purpose.
Your First Chakra ensures a strong feeling of belonging and being grounded.
While your Third Chakra ensures a strong feeling of self worth and self empowerment.
Cypress is one of the most astringent oils in aromatherapy and encourages contraction of your organic body tissues to promote deep cleansing and detoxification. It’s antispasmodic action promotes relaxation and calm for nervous and muscular spasms to relieve pain.
Its decongestant properties act to help relieve and reduce congestion and stagnation within the body. While its expectorant properties promote removal of mucous from the entire body.
Cypress oil is also considered an immune stimulant as it quickens the physiological functions of the body. It is good for convalescence, improves poor circulation and helps you to overcome feelings of listlessness and physical fatigue.
Like Rose Geranium, Cypress oil’s tonic action strengthens and enlivens the entire body.
YLANG YLANG III (Cananga odorata)
Ylang Ylang oil is helpful for opening and balancing your Second (Sexual/Sacral), Fourth (Heart), Fifth (Throat), Sixth (Brow or Third Eye) and Seventh (Crown) Chakras.
The Second Chakra is the chakra of relationship and co-creation, sexuality and sensuality. Your Second Chakra enlivens a strong immune system and supports your ability to have healthy human relationships.
Your Fourth (Heart) Chakra supports your ability to give and receive love in a balanced and healthy way. It encourages you to have feelings of compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others.
A healthy Fifth Chakra gives you the ability for full self expression and being truthful.
Your Sixth Chakra is your power of imagination.
Your Seventh chakra is your power of inspiration.
Ylang Ylang contains analgesic, pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Its antispasmodic action helps ease muscle cramps and spasms. While its sedative and relaxant properties act to relieve tension and have a tranquilizing effect on the nerves and nervous system.
Restorative Bath EO Recipe
To a 5ml (100 drops) euro dropper bottle add:
- Rose Geranium - 40 drops
- Ylang Ylang III - 40 drops
- Cypress - 20 drops
Blend your essential oils ahead of time in a small 5 ml colored glass euro-dropper bottle. Allow oils to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Small ceramic or glass bowl
- 1-4 cups of pure, natural sea salts
- 1 Tablespoon Castille liquid soap, or other gentle liquid bath soap
- 12-18 drops Restorative Bath Blend
- Optional: 1 cup Epsom salts - detoxifier, a source of natural magnesium which has relaxant properties, needed for many of the body’s processes and which studies have shown we are often deficient in, especially if you drink caffeinated drinks
- Optional - 1/2 cup baking soda - skin softener
- Mix 12-18 drops of Restorative Bath Blend thoroughly in 1 Tablespoon Castile liquid soap
- Put dry ingredients bowel and mix thoroughly together
- Add scented soap and mix thoroughly into dry ingredients
- You’re good to go
All of the recommended oils contain adaptogenic properties and act to regulate and balance excessive states whether yin (too open and receptive) or yang (too closed, stagnant, or congested).
Restorative Bath Ritual
- Make sure you are in a quiet, supportive environment where you will not be disturbed and can relax and let go for a period of time.
- Set up a healing and restorative environment for yourself. Perhaps have soft candle light and soothing music playing, or maybe peace and quiet is what feels right for you.
- The waters should be a warm, not hot; around 98.6-102° F. Close to body temperature is best for restoring your energy centers and cleansing your auric field.
- Add the aromatic sea salts to your bath waters and agitate to mix the salts into the bath water.
- Allow yourself to soak for 15 minutes or until your bath water begins to cool. Please remember to hydrate sufficiently during and after your bath.
- After completing your soak imagine the healing waters carrying any toxins, soot or cellular debris that may have been removed from your energy system, body, mind and emotions, going down the drain.
- Conclude your aromatic sea salt bath with a slightly cool, or tepid (lukewarm) shower. This will help recharge your auric field and chakra energy centers.
You may wish to wrap yourself in a cozy robe and rest and relax for a time afterward. Be sure to hydrate.
For best long term results, make time for a cleansing and restorative aromatic bath daily.
40-Day Challenge
Challenge yourself to take a daily bath for 40 days, don’t miss a day, and see for yourself what a difference a daily bath makes for the quality of your life experience. Even 10-15 minutes a day will give you the welcomed pleasure and results you desire to wonderfully balance, restore and heal your body, mind and emotions.
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