The Scorpio Super Full Moon is the second Super Moon of 2021. Much can come to fruition at this time. Dark forces at work beneath the surface may also be exposed. Scorpio is known for its passion and depth. The energy of Scorpio is complex with mysterious underpinnings not apparent to the casual observer.
Scorpio has two planetary rulers. Its old ruler is Mars, the planet of war, energy and action. Its new ruler is the planet Pluto, the planet of regeneration and healing.
There are three stages for evolution of Scorpio energy. The first stage is represented by the reptilian survival instincts. The second stage is the eagle, flying above events and seeing things from the advantage of greater perspective. The third stage of development is the phoenix, a mythical bird who rises above the ashes of its own death to be reborn as an entirely new being. These three stage of the Scorpio’s development signify the soul’s journey through the fires of adversity.
We all have Scorpio energy operating in our natal chart and in our personal lives.
The Scorpio Full Moon always comes at the Spring Tide (following the Aries New Moon) when the forces of nature for regeneration and renewal are at a peak for the year.
Now there is great opportunity available to realize great things for yourself and humanity. The exposure of the ‘rot’ within society that’s perhaps lain hidden can now surface for purging and release.
It can be an intense time that calls for sincere undertakings that will result in the realization of bold new visions for the future.
As Scorpio has two planetary rulers it governs two houses, the 1st and the 8th houses of the zodiac. Your 1st house represents your persona and how you project yourself onto the world at large. While the 8th house is how you are valued by others. Valuations can come in the form of inheritances, insurance settlements, credit or loans from banks, a partner’s financial resources. This is also the house of death and taxes, so matters in the house can bring powerful alliances, as well as unavoidable obligations.
You’ll also want to look in your personal chart to find out which house(s) Pluto and Mars are located. You will be focusing a lot your energy in this/these house(s) at the moment. These areas of your life will have great importance for you now, so pay attention.
For instance if Mars is located in your 6th house then the Scorpio Supermoon can bring new opportunities in your workplace. There can be an increase in your work flow, or events related to your health may arise. You can also be completing a big project at work, or changing jobs. There’s finality about whatever is happening.
The Scorpio Supermoon is at Lunar Beltane, one of the four fire festivals in nature-based traditions. Lunar Beltane is a time of celebrating life’s cycle of renewal and abundance. Beltane brings renewed hope for our dreams and visions. It is a time of thanksgiving for life’s abundance and opening to new waves of creativity.
The Scorpio Super Full Moon meditation will help you make the most of the opportunities surfacing for you now and includes the best essential oils to use and an EO recipe (see below).
Scorpio Super Full Moon (Lunar Beltane) 7° 6’
Monday, April 26, 8:31pm PT
Trine Mars
Pluto, Scorpio’s modern day ruler, is station about to go retrograde tomorrow, April 27th at 1:03pm PT. Pluto’s stationary retrograde really amps up the intensity occurring at the Scorpio Super Full Moon.
Ultimately, the Scorpio Super Full Moon brings balance and healing.
Time of celebration! Today marks the midway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It can be a great day of celebration both personally and collectively. Feels like you’ve really turned a corner and can move forward into a new chapter of your life.
Essential Oil to Use: Bergamot
Use oils that have a balancing and regulating effect on desires and emotions.
Scorpio Super Full Moon EO Recipe
To a 5ml (100 drops) euro-dropper bottle add:
- Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) - 40 drops
- Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum) - 40 drops
- Frankincense/Olibanum Oil (Boswellia frereana) - 20 drops
Dispense oils in your euro-dropper bottle. Cap bottle tightly and shake vigorously to mix oils thoroughly together. Allow to synergize for 24 hours, or longer before using.
Scorpio Super Full Moon Meditation
Perform your Meditation anytime starting from the time of the Full Moon at 8:31pm PT up until the First Quarter Waning Moon in Aquarius on May 3rd at 3:01am PT.
What you will need:
- A white candle
- Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils, or blend of oils
Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil. You can also scent your space prior to your meditation using an aroma diffuser.
Gaze into the candle flame as you begin to breathe in fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your own Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
At this time, if you choose, you can invite Archangel Raziel to assist you with your meditation. Archangel Raziel’s name means “God’s Secret.” God has entrusted Raziel with all the secrets of the universe. Raziel empowers you to know and understand Divine mysteries at work in your life. S/he increases your capacity for knowing, hearing, feeling and seeing God’s Divine direction for you in life. Raziel supports you to develop your manifestation powers. S/he is the Angel of law makers, i.e. state and federal congressional legislators and lawyers.
Petition your heart and mind with the following:
Take time between each appeal to drink in and absorb the response by your heart and mind to fulfill your request. Allow yourself the time needed to fully engage in and experience the results of this meditation.
You can make up your own personalized petitions that feel most suitable for you at this time.
- “Help me to see and feel the Divine at work in all aspects of my life.”
- “Help me to know God’s will for me.”
- “Thank you for assisting me in manifesting the dreams and visions God has blessed me with.”
- “Thank you for helping me have the wisdom to discern the difference between my personal will and Divine Will.”
- “Help me accept the things I cannot understand.”
- “Help me transform darkness into light.”
Allow the alignment of your heart and mind to bring balance to your life. Allow the renewal of your heart, mind and purpose in this moment. Let go of any worry or concern. Just allow yourself to remain peaceful and calm.
Take as long as needed to complete this meditation. Repeat as needed whenever you feel the need for more understanding, or feel the need for guidance.
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