Sagittarius New Moon Astrology

Sagittarius New Moon
December 1, 2024

What’s It All About?

Expect big and bold fresh new starts for all things related to Sagittarius and its 9th house placement on the zodiac wheel. An awesome new beginning is set to take place in the area of your life where Sagittarius is located in your astrology chart, as well as your 9th house.

Are you considering going back to school, or planning a global adventure to some foreign destination? Or, are you finding that your philosophy about life is getting fresh new insights? Are you beginning to see and think differently about things?

Solstice Christmas Tide

We celebrate the upcoming Solstice and Christmas tide with a Sagittarius New Moon set to initiate new beginnings in matters in your life where Sagittarius is located in your natal astrology chart, as well as by transit with Jupiter and in your 9th house (Sagittarius is the natural ruler of the 9th house).

Social gatherings and connecting with friends in light hearted social settings are highlighted now. It’s a great time to travel anywhere in the world, or perhaps set a date for some international travel in the 2025 new year. Sagittarius focus is primarily on expanding their world view. Diversity and inclusion are matters dear to the Sagittarius heart.

What’s Up in Your Chart?
Tips for How the Sagittarius New Moon Can Affect You Personally.

Everyone has the Sagittarius New Moon influence in one, or more areas of their chart. Here are a few areas of your chart where you can experience the Sagittarius New Moon influence:

  • What house is Sagittarius located in your natal astrology chart? This is where new beginnings, new ventures, new ideologies and all things Sagittarian can be newly born.
  • Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius whose natural placement in the zodiac is the 9th house. The 9th house represents higher education, foreign travel, beliefs, religion, ideology and the higher mind.
  • Jupiter is the old/traditional ruler of Pisces (modern ruler Neptune which governs the 12th house of the unconscious mind). By all indications what transpires now has far reaching ramifications on very deep psychic levels. Our attitudes from the past are being expanded and potentially new world views seeded on a global level. How much will past ideologies, beliefs and attitudes influence you and society at large in the future?
  • What personal planets are located in your 9th and 12th houses? Do you have any easy flowing, or hard aspects to these houses from one or more of your natal planets, or by transit?
  • What house is Jupiter located in your natal astrology chart? Are there harmonious, or stressful contacts between your Jupiter and your 9th (or 12th) house?

The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens, though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche, the emotions will be transient.

Check out Meaning of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac to find out more about how the Sagittarius New Moon may influence you personally.

Sagittarius New Moon Astrology

  • 9° 32’ Sagittarius New Moon
    Saturday, December 1, 10:21p
    m PT

Moon (Sagittarius) Conjunct Sun Square Saturn (Pisces)
Mercury Rx (Sagittarius) Trine Chiron Rx (Aries)
Venus (Capricorn) Trine Uranus Rx (Taurus)
Mercury Rx (Sagittarius) Opposes Jupiter Rx (Gemini)
Mars Stationary Retrograde (exact December 6, 2024)
Mercury Stationary Direct (exact December 15, 2024)

The Sagittarius Moon can bring a tremendous need to search for greater understanding. Your feeling of emotional safety can get a boost when you start a new program that promises to give your life more inherent meaning.

Optimism abounds with a Sagittarius Moon, but this one especially as it is conjunct Mars (station Retrograde) the planet of energy and action. Today, also Mercury’s Station Retrograde can bring the return of an opportunity for something you love, or find pleasure in. The eclipses have cleared the way and now you can plant seeds for welcomed new beginnings that omen prosperous outcomes. Make the most of this time.

Deeper Insights

Questions to consider at this time:

  • Does your life seem fragmented, chaotic and confusing?
  • Are you at peace with life, or troubled by what you see going on around you?
  • How often do you experience harmony and flow in the events of your life?
  • Does everything show up for you at just the perfect moment and seem Divinely orchestrated?
  • Or, do feel like you’re falling behind and missing out?
  • Does your life feel in bits and pieces?
  • Are your needs being met, or do you experience fulfillment in fits and starts, if at all?

If you have concerns about your own present state of mind and emotions, it may be time for you to take an assessment of your internal programs and what you can do to affect an improvement in your sense of inner peace.

You can choose how to perceive things differently.

When you choose to perceive things as working on time and supporting you then life will smooth out and show up for you.

However, when you have a repeating programmed message that disrupts your peace of mind with fears about what’s happening around you, then your experience of the flow of your life will appear fraught with interruptions to your experience of life as a graceful flowing stream of consciousness.

Most of us give our peace and happiness over to external events and forces. We live from the outside in.

When you begin to truly love and respect yourself this perception about how life works will automatically shift to a graceful flowing experience. 

Your shift to self-love and unconditional support for yourself is the cue the universal flow of life needs to shift how you experience your life. When you truly love yourself no matter what happens you will continue to love and support yourself and see everything as supporting and loving you.

Life can only love and support you.

Life mirrors your beliefs and attitudes and shows you what you believe you are worthy of experiencing from deep within yourself.

There is no need to struggle with life to get your needs met. Give yourself what it is you’re looking to receive and it will arrive for you.

Being relaxed, open and trusting helps you be very attractive to the natural forces operating at all times in life. You will naturally be aligned with all the goodness life has to offer when you drop your fear and resistance about anything that happens in life. Be open to life working on your behalf, no matter how things may at first appear.

Cleansing karmic fear patterns.

You may need to cleanse and release tremendous amounts of residue of fear that you may have accumulated during your life. Karmic fear patterns that you were born with also show up in your natal astrology chart. The harsh angles in your natal chart show you these fear patterns. These are meant to help you grow and strengthen your character traits. It’s not what happens in life, but how you respond to it that gets you your results.

How much do you react to events from fear and resistance?

Take note if you’re chronically stressed by events happening outside of you. Does your peace and happiness rely on things going well as you expect? Or, are you flexible and have control over how your mind perceives things that helps you maintain a state of peace and calm no matter what is happening?

You need to be in charge of your mind and direct it to see things in a way that continually loves and supports you. To commit yourself to doing this is how you love and respect yourself.

Peace of mind is an inside job.

You can choose to see life events as helping you in some way to grow and make improvements in the quality of your life experience.

When you take time to train your mind to be calm and peaceful, no matter what happens, then you can choose to experience peace all of the time.

When you make choices to perceive current events in terms of previous past events you are living in a world of projected fantasy, not reality. By doing this you earmark all of your future to replicate your past experiences.

Reality can only be experienced now!

You effectively block yourself from experiencing fresh meaning about life and what is happening in the present moment. Life becomes left overs, not as nutritious, or flavorful, and lacking the electrical impulse of life force energy.

This way of experiencing life from past interpretations blocks you from experiencing fulfillment and opportunities for happiness that can be present, but in effect you reject out of fear.

You are responsible for the emotions you experience.

You can choose to experience peace in every moment. Your choice is always between peace, or conflict. What do you choose?

You are capable of accepting what is without having to change it, or hide from it. This kind of direct perception of what is opens you to experience life as it is and seeing the opportunities for love available in each moment.

You become a participator in the life experience.

Giving and receiving become united and you can begin to see the connection between things. Your heart begins to understand that nothing operates in a vacuum, but rather is a continuum of events that is unfolding into infinity.

At this point, your worldview starts to shift.

You begin to experience the freedom you were born with and is you. Your mind no longer controls the story you have about your life being separate. You are no longer a lone operative force in the universe.

KG's new eBook, Astrology Survival Guide & The 12 Zodiac Personalities - Practical Fundamentals for Understanding Your Self & Life Cycles, is now available for pre-order on AmazonNookApple Books, as well as other online digital media outlets.

Printbook will be avaiable after eBook launch on November 19th (or possibly sooner).

DEEP REDUCTION 2024 Astrological Moon Calendar eBook NOW $7.50 (70% OFF)! Paperback Book $24.99 (50% Off)!

For greater insight about this particular Taurus Full Moon, the Taurus Personality Traits, along with essential oils to use, angel therapy healing meditations, crystals & gemstones to use, eclipse seasons, super moons, planetary retrogrades, greater understanding about the meaning of each of the astrological aspects occurring and much more check out KG's 2024 Astrological Moon Calendar. 

This is the last year that KG'S Astrological Moon Calendar will be published. The calendar is a rich resource for astrological information that will be useful for years to come, as well as reveals a plethora of helpful insights about the current events unfolding on the world stage.

Click to find out more and purchase. 

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only.

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