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8 Best Essential Oils for Boosting Immunity Naturally

Learn 8 of the best pure essential oils to use and their properties to use for boosting natural immunity.Try these essential oils to boost your immunity naturally, as well as to promote circulation, detoxification and general wellness.Essential oils for treating disease has become the focus of much research in recent years. Hospitals and medical centers are using oils for increased healing benefits such as germ-fighting and the well-known  mood-lifting properties of these amazing natural tools.1. Lavender A popular remedy for relieving symptoms of bronchitis, cold, and flu, Lavender oil stimulates the formation of white blood cells and strengthens the body’s immune system.Researchers are presently conducting ongoing studies to learn if lavender and other pure essential oils are effective against the superbug MRSA (methicillin-resistant...

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Essential Oils to Stimulate New Hair Growth

Hair loss, hair thinning, or baldness are a great concern for many people. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia and it can be either partial (alopecia areata) or total (alopecia totalis).Hair loss can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and result in isolation from others. For cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment hair loss has been reported to forever change one’s self-image and sense of belonging in the world. The condition of your hair is largely dependent upon a good supply of blood carrying adequate amounts of nutrition to your hair follicle. An aromatherapy scalp massage has been shown to effectively stimulate blood flow to the scalp and the underlying hair follicles to promote healthy hair growth. Research conducted...

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What is Mercury Retrograde and How to Survive It - Essential Oils to Use

Mercury retrograde usually happens 3-4 times a year. Your mind’s natural intuitive review process occurs during a mercury retrograde. You can use essential oils to ameliorate the mercury retrograde influence, soften any harsh planetary influences, enhance your planetary rulers and all the zodiac signs. In this article you’ll find out three easy to use aromatherapy hacks, along with a few insider tips that can make a 3-week mercury retrograde a breeze to navigate. Now you can experience few, if any, disruptions. And, if the mercury retrograde effect does occur, you’ll know exactly what to do to get right back on track. Why Do Planets Effect You? “As above, so below, as within, so without,” is a famous axiom of the...

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Curb Your Food Cravings with Essential Oil

In your rush to lose weight, you sometimes wreak havoc with your system by dieting. Various dieting methods might affect your metabolism and the body's fat-burning ability. Additionally, you've to constantly fight those food cravings. Inhaling certain essential oils can help you curb such food cravings and naturally lose weight. Research has shown that dieting can seriously throw the brakes on your metabolism and fat-burning ability. Dieting has also been shown to increase your body’s natural tendency to gain weight as your body feels starved and will hold on to the weight. Researchers call this “dieting-induced weight gain.” Dieting is now considered the #1 factor in the rising obesity epidemic. NEED HELP LOSING WEIGHT NATURALLY? Check Out My "NEW" 4-WEEK WEIGHT...

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Essential Oils for Prosperity & Abundance

Essential Oils for Prosperity & Abundance I realized at a very young age that it was the way people were thinking that caused most, if not all, of their problems. After college and with nothing more than a desire to help people overcome their challenges I began pursuing my dream to help people change their way of thinking. When I discovered essential oils, I realized that I had found what I had been looking for my whole life. One sniff of these pure plant essences can instantly shift a person’s thinking and mental attitude. Everything in life is so clear and obvious when you have the right mindset, yet you can easily miss it when you are focused on the...

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