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How's Your Power of Movement & Integration? Do You Have Any Symptoms of Imbalanced Metal Element?

FIND OUT if You Have Symptoms of Imbalanced Metal Element & Essential Oils to Balance & Restore the Flow of Chi in Your Organ Meridians. METAL ELEMENT MERIDIANS: Large Intestine (Yang) and Lung (Yin) THE POWER OF METAL: Movement & Integration BALANCED METAL ELEMENT supports you to experience enduring compassion and generosity for yourself and others. The nature and primary function of your Heart chakra (the energy center that governs the metal element) is to connect you with the kinetic experience of touching and being touched. An open, balanced and healthy metal element resonates with the feeling state of JOY to attract experiences of abundance, prosperity and sharing. You easily feel self love and acceptance. PROPERTIES OF THE METAL ELEMENT...

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How is Your Power to Regulate & Restore Your Health? Do You Have Any of These Symptoms of Imbalanced Wood Element?

As 2014 is the year of the Chinese Year of the Wooden (Green) Horse it is generally an excellent year to restore your health! Find Out if You Have Symptoms of Imbalanced Wood Element & the Essential Oils to Balance & Restore the Flow of Chi in Your Organ Meridians. WOOD ELEMENT MERIDIANS Gall Bladder (Yang) and Liver (Yin) The Power of Wood is to regulate and restore. PROPERTIES OF THE WOOD ELEMENT SEASON: spring TASTE: sour EMOTION: anger BODY PARTS: liver, gall-bladder, eyes, tendons COLOR: green SOUR ACTION: Cooling, promotes digestion, enzyme secretion and liver function A balanced wood element supports trust in the life process and taking full responsibility for one's life. You feel a strong, stable, motivated,...

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How Is Your Ability to Trust Life & Go with the Flow? Do You Have Any of These Symptoms of Imbalanced Water Element?

Find out the Physical, Mental & Emotional Symptoms of Imbalanced Water Element & the essential oils to use to restore balance & flow of chi in your organ meridians. The Five Elements represent the Elemental Life Force Energy inherent to all life forms for material creation.  WATER ELEMENT MERIDIANS - Bladder (Yang) and Kidney (Yin) The Power of Water is to overcome obstacles and act with integrity. PROPERTIES OF THE WATER ELEMENT SEASON: winter TASTE: salty EMOTION: fear BODY PARTS: kidneys, bladder, ears, bones, nails COLOR: black SALTY ACTION: Cooling and moistening, nourishes kidneys and bladder, helps maintain fluid balance A BALANCED WATER ELEMENT supports you to trust the natural flow of life, giving and receiving in equal measure without...

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How Is Your Power to Transform & Heal Life Situations? Do You Have Any Symptoms of Imbalanced Fire Element?

The Five Elements represent the Elemental Life Force Energy inherent to all life forms for material creation. I will publish a future blog introducing you to the each of the Elemental archetypal energy forms of material creation. FIRE ELEMENT MERIDIANS: Small Intestines (Yang) and Heart (Yin), also includes Triple Warmer (Yang) and Pericardium (Yin) The Power of the Fire Element is transformation. PROPERTIES OF FIRE ELEMENT SEASON: summer TASTE: bitter EMOTION: joy/sadness BODY PARTS: heart, Pericardium, circulation, hormones, blood vessels, tongue, small intestine COLOR: red BITTER ACTION: Cooling, astringent, drying, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, often anti-parasitic and antiviral, promotes detoxification. Stimulates appetite and secretion of digestive juices throughout the gastro-intestinal system, enhances digestion and flow of bile. A balanced fire element supports...

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How Is Your Power of Discernment & Ability to Stand Up For Yourself & Create Stability? Do You Have Any Symptoms of Imbalanced Earth Element?

To Celebrate the release of PurePlant Essentials Five Elements Essential Oils Kit *New Optimized* Custom Formulas I'm publishing a series of blogs for you about how to use essential oils to balance the five elements and restore the flow of chi in your organs meridian energy channels. This includes your Conception Vessel (Brain), Governing Vessel (Nervous System) and the 12 Organ Meridians. Your meridians are the channels through which your emotions flow. The natural and free flow of life force energy (your e-motions - energy in motion) coursing through your meridians ensures your health and longevity. While blocked or suppressed emotions result in clogged meridian channels and imbalances of health. In classic Oriental or Chinese Medicine all disease is seen...

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