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How to Stay Sane in an Insane World -- Step 1 Take Charge of Yourself +Sedative EO Recipe

Confusion and overwhelm have been running rampant for many of us in our daily lives. You may be experiencing an all too frequent cycle. Life reaches a fever pitch, things plateau for a time, then once again you’re off to the races trying to keep up with the latest developments. Yes, life  has always been messy. But, it seems like life’s messiness is reaching new extremes. The only thing you can control in life is you! This series of articles is meant to support you to do just that. Take charge of yourself. Life will then follow your lead. Your first step in taking taking charge of yourself is to take charge of the meaning you give to life events....

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Are Your Symptoms a Sign of Leaky Gut? Natural Remedy for Leaky Gut

The father of clinical ecology Dr. Theron Randolph’s research showed that 9 out of 10 people suffer from food sensitivities. Food sensitivities are now thought to be the leading cause of gut inflammation which the research suggests leads to leaky gut.The symptoms of leaky gut are very broad. This makes it difficult to know with certainty if your symptoms are due to leaky gut, or some other issue. Leaky gut is classified as a syndrome, meaning it has more than one identifying feature or symptom. Rather, leaky gut is a collection of symptoms that suggest you have leaky gut, but do not conclusively confirm that you do. Discovering for certain if your symptoms are caused by a leaky gut issue...

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