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Fresh Starts for Earth & Humanity Sagittarius Solar Eclipse Astrology +New Moon Meditation & EO Recipe

A tremendous new beginning is set to take place for all things related to Sagittarius themes. Jupiter (often associated with Santa Claus) rules this zodiac sign, the biggest most expansive planet in our solar system. So, expect big and bold fresh starts for all things related to Sagittarius and its 9th house placement on the zodiacal wheel. Sagittarians are lovers of humanity! As one of the mutable signs of the zodiac and ruler of the 9th house, Sagittarians are adaptable and can easily adjust to circumstances more readily than most other zodiac signs. This is a real plus for them. They know how to get along. They love foreign travel and relish in differences. They love higher learning, publishing, and...

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Awesome New Beginnings Aries New Moon Astrology & Meditation +EO Recipe

The Aries New Moon marks the Moon's Astrological New Year. Your feminine life impulse and emotional body are renewed and you begin a new emotional cycle. This is Nature’s time honored New Year that predates history as we know it. What you plant now has the force of nature backing its fulfillment and the return on your investment of time and energy could be massive! Hopefully, you’ve cleared the way for planting your fresh new ideas and inspirations deeply in the fiery depths of your heart and soul. The Aries New Moon is well aspected which heralds even greater returns on time and energy invested now. Though there is a caveat to all the positive potential of the Aries New...

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