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DIY Tips to Preserve Nature's Freshness

Natural products that are completely preservative-free will not stay fresh for as long as commercial products do.However, there are several things you can do to help your preservative-free products stay fresh longer and extend their shelf life.Small BatchIf you're a DIY lover you probably already know the many virtues of blending your products in small batches.Small batch method of formulating also ensures less wastage. You'll be able to use up your custom products in a short period of time.Your products will stay fresh without the need for harsh preservatives. Also, you'll be able to use expensive oils like rose and helichrysum more frequently in your products, as a little goes a long way.  Formulate Anhydrous Products (without water) Microbes love to...

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Healing Salve Recipe

I love that our bodies and minds naturally heal themselves. All that’s required is to use the right method of treatment to support the inherent healing wisdom of nature.I’ve always trusted this natural healing life force energy within each of us. It just always made perfect sense that life would heal itself given the chance. My herbal healing salve made with essential oils has healed numerous skin issues over the years. To date my skin has healed from more than two dozen unsightly skin tags, growths and blemishes. The healing salve recipe I’m sharing with you is, you might say, one of my best kept secrets. I’ve never shared it with anyone else before now. Directions for Use I massage...

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Leaky Gut Linked to Autoimmune Disease How This Essential Oil Can Help!

Studies show that modifications in the intestinal bacteria and inflammation may play a role in the development of several common chronic diseases. -Marcello Campos, MD Harvard Health PublishingThough more human clinical trials are needed studies suggest that leaky gut may be associated with autoimmune diseases (lupus, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, chron's disease), chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, allergies, asthma, acne, obesity, and even mental illness.  Though it’s not known what causes autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease we do know that it is likely due to an abnormal “rogue” response of the immune system. At the core of all autoimmune diseases and what each of them has in common is an immune response caused by "systemic inflammation" that leads the body to attack itself....

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Your Emotions and Leaky Gut - Soothing EOs to Use

Over my years of clinical practice I’ve worked with numerous clients with acute to chronic digestive system complaints. From Crohn’s Disease to symptoms of leaky gut I’ve noticed common factors among each. All those who suffer with digestive and intestinal complaints are emotionally stressed. If you think about it we often associate our emotions with our gut. Such aphorisms as, 'trust your gut,' or I got a, 'sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach' are common everyday expressions. For many people emotions like anger, anxiety, sadness or even happiness can trigger symptoms in the gut. Repressed and unexpressed emotions can linger in your gut. Your brain and the gastrointestinal system are intimately wired together. Unsettled emotions can send alert...

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What Causes Leaky Gut? Acupressure Aromatherapy Massage for Leaky Gut

Research by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) published in PubMed Library showed the connection between the release of Zonulin, a protein that causes tight junctions in the gut to open, and gut permeability.Both bacteria, i.e. Candida and gluten are two agents shown to increase zonulin and cause ‘leaky gut’. This finding supports scientific evidence that it is our modern day lifestyle choices and diet (low in fiber and high in sugar and saturated fats) that primarily cause gut inflammation which leads to leaky gut. Role of Genetics? So, are some of us more susceptible to gut permeability than others because of our genes? Research suggests NOT as less than 10% of cases with leaky gut symptoms are due to DNA...

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