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Are Your Symptoms a Sign of Leaky Gut? Natural Remedy for Leaky Gut

The father of clinical ecology Dr. Theron Randolph’s research showed that 9 out of 10 people suffer from food sensitivities. Food sensitivities are now thought to be the leading cause of gut inflammation which the research suggests leads to leaky gut.The symptoms of leaky gut are very broad. This makes it difficult to know with certainty if your symptoms are due to leaky gut, or some other issue. Leaky gut is classified as a syndrome, meaning it has more than one identifying feature or symptom. Rather, leaky gut is a collection of symptoms that suggest you have leaky gut, but do not conclusively confirm that you do. Discovering for certain if your symptoms are caused by a leaky gut issue...

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Is Leaky Gut Real? Can Essential Oils Help?

Though leaky gut is not an official medical diagnosis there is enough research evidence to support that leaky gut syndrome does exist.So, what exactly is leaky gut?Leaky Gut, also known as intestinal permeability, refers to how easily substances pass through your intestinal wall. We all have some degree of leaky gut, as the gut wall is not completely impenetrable, nutrients and water must be allowed to pass through. A healthy intestine has ‘tight junctions’ that allow for safe passage of nutrients and water into the bloodstream. When these tight junctions, which control what passes through the gut lining into the bloodstream, become loose and more permeable then harmful bacteria and toxins can pass from your gut into your bloodstream. Over...

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Listen to the Music: 3 Synergy Blends For Headache, Immune Support & Sore Muscles.

Listen to the Music! After experimenting with creating your own essential oil blends try these three types of aromatherapy blends.Allow each of the blends to synergize for at least 12 hours or longer then dispense 1-3 drops of each blend onto a perfume smell strip, or cotton ball and inhale the scent. Note in your Aromatherapy Journal whatever you may notice about each of the aromas before and after blending. Does a certain essential oil linger longer in your memory? Are you able to discern each of the individual oils? Can you distinguish which of the oils serves as the base, middle and top note in each blend? Have the oils changed when in synergy with one other? How? Write...

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When is Enough, Enough? Mastering The Art of The Blend!

Sampling Your Synergy BlendNow its time to sample your blend’s aroma. Dispense one drop of your synergy blend onto a smell strip, tissue or cotton ball and inhale the aroma. When sampling the aroma you will probably notice the scent of one of the essential oils more than the rest. This is usually the case. The lighter, higher, top notes are usually most discernible on first inhalation. As your blend begins to synergize the aroma qualities will change and take on a unique character. Allow space for this synergistic action to happen. You’ll be glad you did! How you begin sets a firm foundation for Mastering The Art of The Blend. You’re gathering the information you need to create a...

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Blending Secrets Guide Time to Formulate Your Perfect Blend!

My Blending Secrets GuideMy blending secrets guide will guide you step-by-step exactly how to Create the Perfect Blend. You will learn how to wed the artistry of blending with the craftsmanship needed to make each of your blends sing and achieve remarkable results. After a little practice, you will know the aroma qualities and effects of many different essential oils and enjoy creating your very own aromatherapy blends using the Language of Aroma and your Intuitive Sense of Smell to satisfy your personal needs! Formulating the Perfect Blend To make a blend of essential oils for the first time I recommend you start with a size of bottle larger than necessary, so you have room to experiment and allow your...

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