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The Past Cannot Harm Me Angelic Assistance & Transformation Oils

Power of LoveThe power of love cannot coexist with the emotion of fear. When you keep reliving the past you become a slave to time. The passage of time will frighten you more and more throughout your life. Until it completely controls you. Fear will completely suck the life out of you. In this state of mind, living can become an absolute misery for you. In this state, grievances about your life experience can continue to grow. Your frequency will continue to dip lower and lower. Your FrequencyPay attention to what you are attracting as your life experience. Everything is a mirror of your own vibrational frequency and the mindset and attitudes you hold. You can never get away from...

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What Am I REALLY Upset About? Angelic Assistance & EO to Use

Do you give your power for being happy and okay in the world to external circumstances that are beyond your control? Upset feelings usually imprison you in some negative camp of emotions like anger, or frustration, jealousy, or depression. These negative emotional responses are usually to things ‘seemingly’ not going your way. You fear things not going the way you want means __________ what? Fill in the blank. What do you tell yourself about what is, or isn’t occurring? You always have the choice of feeling fearful about what is happening, or responding with love. You can take your power back at any moment. You have a choice! Having the choice to decide for yourself how you will feel and...

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Transformation Time Warp Transformation Oils +EO Recipes

  Row, row, row your boatGently down the streamMerrily merrily, merrily, merrilyLife is but a dream…   Life as we knew it abruptly ended for everyone worldwide earlier this year. I liken what has happened, and is transpiring, to being in a dream. You may see yourself walking into an elevator and, when the doors open, everything has changed. You may feel confused and wonder where you are and how much time has passed. Maybe it felt like only a few minutes had passed in your dream, yet, like Rip Van Winkle when you wake-up, your beard is long. You realize that what has transpired must have taken years while in your dream only a moment of time has passed....

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