Essential Oils Blog — gemini full moon 2021 meditation RSS

Gathering Healing & Renewal Gemini Full Moon Meditation & EO Recipe

The luscious Gemini Full Moon marks a time to celebrate the fulfillment of something you’ve longed for, or perhaps to release the past. This is great moon for reviewing the 2021 year to clear away any stagnant energy in preparation for the new year. Gemini’s can be fun loving and friendly though also terrible gossips and can exaggerate the truth to extremes! They make great politicians. A mutable sign, Gemini’s can be quite changeable and often do not keep secrets, nor can they be relied upon. Geminis are intelligent, outgoing and high energy. They make great sales persons, and can be tremendously flirty and talkative. Their weakest character traits include indecisiveness, impulsivity, unreliability, and nosiness. It’s not recommended to disclose...

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