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Great Purge Scorpio New Moon Astrology +Angel Meditation & EO to Use

Scorpio New Moon November 13, 2023 What’s it all about? The Scorpio New Moon activates new beginnings. In the deepest regions of your psyche. The deepest stirrings of new growth within yourself are being activated at this time. Much can be released just before the new moon when it is at its darkest phase of the cycle. Much can come to the surface for release at this time. Dark forces at work beneath the surface may be exposed. The Scorpio New is primarily about healing and regeneration. Much must be purged for you (and humanity) to move forward. Saturn Stationary Direct at 0° Pisces (exact November 4th) signals a coming to terms with the need for change that is constructive...

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Rapid Evolutionary Change Scorpio New Moon Astrology +Meditation & EO Recipe

New Moons always bring fresh new starts. This Scorpio New Moon is occurring on the Lunar Samhain (sow-win), our ancient ancestors celebrated this day as the start of a New Year. Additionally, this Scorpio New Moon is especially set for BIG new revelations, along with cumulative forward momentum spurred on by the Direct motion of three outer planets, plus Mercury Retrograde Stationing Direct.  The social sphere is abuzz with intense discussions and debate over how and what to move forward. At both personal and collective levels the pressure mounts for far reaching change to be implemented. Now at the Scorpio New Moon the planets that moved Direct in October will pick up speed resulting FINALLY in the forward movement we've...

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