Essential Oils Blog — super full moon sagittarius 2022 RSS

Tsunami Expansive Realization Dawns Sagittarius Super Full Moon Astrology +Meditation & EO Recipe

This is a huge moment of arrival. Life's evolutionary impulse has been building to this crescendo of cosmic forces for a couple of years and here it is, FINALLY! What does it all mean? Find out some of the key indicators of what's at play and at stake in this issue. Jupiter Jupiter is a massive planet and rules the 9th house (the natural house of Sagittarius) representing higher education, philosophy/ideologies and world travel. So, these areas of your life and on the world stage at large will get a tremendous boost at this time. There’s promise of restructuring for the better of society in general, but especially for educational endeavors. Technological fields of training may be highlighted. Changes in...

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