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Tangible Results Myth of Chiron Virgo Full Moon Astrology +Angel Meditation & EO to Use

Virgo Full Moon March 7, 2023 What’s It All About? The Virgo Full Moon is the first stage for manifesting the new hopes and visions birthed at the Aquarian Lunar New Year. The first six months after the Lunar New Year are the most crucial for enacting the steps necessary to birth the promise of the Lunar New Year. Between the Aquarian Lunar New Year and the Virgo Full Moon you have an opportunity to see what needs to be dealt with (any obstacles) to realizing the potentials of the Aquarian New Moon. As we draw closer to the exact Virgo Full Moon, and on the day, as well as shortly after (until the waning quarter moon) you’ll get to...

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Worldwide Transformation & Healing Virgo Full Moon Astrology +Meditation & EO Recipe

Virgo is the original healer of the zodiac. Many astrologers ascribe its new ruler to be Chiron, the wounded healer. In the Iliad, Homer calls Chiron the "wisest and justest of all the centaurs.” Luckily for Chiron when he was abandoned at birth by his parents, who thought him a monster, he was befriended by the god Apollo. The god Apollo was a son of Zeus and was said to be the god of practically everything – including music, poetry, art, prophecy, truth, archery, plague and healing, sun and light. It was the god Apollo, who taught Chiron the healing arts, music, and prophecy, while it was Apollo’s twin sister, Artemis, who taught him archery and hunting. It is said that Chiron...

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