This is a Brief overview for the 12 Houses of the Zodiac and the general life lessons for each house, as well as a general overview and meaning of the Degrees in each of the houses.
GENERALLY the degrees in in each house represent the following:
1-9º Formative Development
10-19º Integration life lessons
20-29º Lessons in Mastery
FIRST HOUSE (Aries ruled by Mars)
Ascendant, how you are seen, presentation, armor, persona
1-9º Physical Body
10-19º Self
20-29 º Early Environment
SECOND HOUSE (Taurus ruled by Venus)
Resources, Self worth, material possessions, sustenance
1-9º Money
10-19º Possessions/Personal Assets
20-29º Earning ability
THIRD HOUSE (Gemini ruled by Mercury)
Conscious mind, lower mind, perception, thought patterns, relationships, communication, neighbors, family members
1-9º Brothers
10-19º Sisters
20-29º Short journeys & Communication
FOURTH HOUSE (Cancer ruled by Moon)
Emotional conditioning, early childhood, nurturance & support
1-9º Home
10-19º Support
20-29º End of life
FIFTH HOUSE (Leo ruled by Sun)
Creative self expression, power to co-create, popularity, sports, romance, children, risks, investments
1-9º Social life
10-19º Pleasure
20-29º Children
SIXTH HOUSE (Virgo ruled by Mercury)
Work, proper care & health maintenance, daily routines, clothes, health, responsibility to details
1-9º Work
10-19º Service
20-29º Health
SEVENTH HOUSE – (Libra ruled by Venus)
Close personal relationships, marriage, business agreements, contracts, commerce, karmic working out
1-9º Open opposition
10-19º Public relations
20-29º Partnerships
EIGHTH HOUSE – (Scorpio ruled by Pluto)
Other people’s money, inheritance, business partners, mystical experiences, deep psychological & emotional issues
1-9º Taxes & Debt
10-19º Regeneration & Renewal
20-29º Death & Rebirth
NINTH HOUSE – (Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter)
Collective mind, Higher mind, rules & regulations, teaching, publishing, social conscience, wisdom, higher intuition, inspiration, philosophy & religion
1-9º Higher Education
10-19º Law
20-29º Long trips
TENTH HOUSE – (Capricorn ruled by Saturn)
Career, executive power, status, marriage, profession, authority, awards, recognition
1-9º Authority
10-19º Profession
20-29º Status & Recognition/Rewards
ELEVENTH HOUSE – (Aquarius ruled by Uranus)
Group associations, community, friends, creative group expression, and humanitarianism
1-9º Friends
10-19º Hopes
20-29º Dreams & Wishes
TWELTH HOUSE – (Pisces ruled by Neptune)
Collective unconscious, unconscious mind, emotional memories, automatic responses & attitudes, self deception, karmic patterns & issues, religious retreats & solitude, mental institutions, hospitals, mystical inspiration
1-9º Limitations
10-19º Secret Opposition
20-29º Self Undoing
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