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Meaning of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac

This is a Brief overview for the 12 Houses of the Zodiac and the general life lessons for each house, as well as a general overview and meaning of the Degrees in each of the houses. GENERALLY the degrees in in each house represent the following: 1-9º Formative Development10-19º Integration life lessons20-29º Lessons in Mastery FIRST HOUSE (Aries ruled by Mars) Ascendant, how you are seen, presentation, armor, persona 1-9º Physical Body10-19º Self20-29 º Early Environment SECOND HOUSE (Taurus ruled by Venus) Resources, Self worth, material possessions, sustenance 1-9º Money10-19º Possessions/Personal Assets20-29º Earning ability THIRD HOUSE (Gemini ruled by Mercury) Conscious mind, lower mind, perception, thought patterns, relationships, communication, neighbors, family members 1-9º Brothers10-19º Sisters20-29º Short journeys & Communication FOURTH...

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