Essential Oils Blog — consciousness RSS

I Am Responsible for How I See My Life. I Can Choose What My Life Means Angelic Assistance & EOs to Use

You are the one who chooses the feelings you will experience in life. Have you ever considered that if we live in a world that is one with itself in which all are one, then it should follow that we live in a no fault universe. In that case, no one is to blame for what happens.The point of this life school experience is all about learning how to navigate your ship across the ocean of life in a way that attracts what you love. We are all involved in the Earth school of life in a process of transformation. Either we advance to the next level, or we must repeat lessons until we learn and can graduate to the...

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Your “False” Emotional Nature - 6 Roles the ‘Inner’ Drama Queen/King Plays Essential Oils to Use

Your emotions control the  quality of your life experience.Want to feel peaceful, happy and successful ALL the time?  This article will show you ‘why’ you aren't (if not) and what you can do about it, or how to immediately improve the quality of your emotions and life experience. Research has shown that most of our ‘emotional’ experiences are based on "false" perceptions. In other words you experience life according to the ‘meaning’ you give to life events, not what is actually happening. In other words the personal meaning you give to any life experience is what gives you the emotional experience of peace, happiness and success. Your ‘False’ Emotional Nature How you respond to events in life is a reflection of...

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Healing the Shadow The Simplest Most Direct Way To Get Free of Mind Programs

I’ve continued to be amazed that so many of you are following my, “Healing the Shadow,” series. I actually resisted sharing what I’ve discovered after years of Self Discovery as I thought no one would be interested in finding out the truth and how to become free. Since the start of the “Healing the Shadow” series the traffic to our website has catapulted us to the top 5% on Shopify (300,000+ stores), the platform we use to bring you our PurePlant Essentials store.  If you’ve been following the series since my first, “Healing the Shadow Essential Oils to Use,” blog you’ve had the opportunity to discover who you REALLY are and how the shadow functions. Today I’m going to wrap...

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