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I Am Responsible for How I See My Life. I Can Choose What My Life Means Angelic Assistance & EOs to Use

You are the one who chooses the feelings you will experience in life. Have you ever considered that if we live in a world that is one with itself in which all are one, then it should follow that we live in a no fault universe. In that case, no one is to blame for what happens.The point of this life school experience is all about learning how to navigate your ship across the ocean of life in a way that attracts what you love. We are all involved in the Earth school of life in a process of transformation. Either we advance to the next level, or we must repeat lessons until we learn and can graduate to the...

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New Year Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Meditation

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on January 10, 2020, exactly at 11:21am Pacific at 20° 00’ Cancer. Magic and mayhem at play in the field of the gods.This Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a rare event and further illuminates the great turning of the ages that is underway for 72 - 144 years, from 1962-2034 is the most critical peak of the new cycle being birthed. The outer span of time extends from 1926-2070. This particular Lunar Eclipse occurs at the same time as a VERY rare astrological occurrence when 3 outer planets (Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter) are all transiting the sign of Capricorn. It’s been 733 years since these three planets - that expand, transform and restructure our personal lives...

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Essential Oils to Use on Thanksgiving Day

Essential oils can be used to enhance your celebrations and practice of abundance this Thanksgiving day, which is just around the corner. Thanksgiving is a practice that has evolved over time, many of its roots pre-date written history. Traditionally throughout its known heritage a day of giving thanks always has aspects of harvest, as well as celebration. It is also a time of remembrance for what has been and what is to come. The practice of honoring the cycle of life and its renewal through time is a key theme of every Thanksgiving celebration. An example of this continuance of life though the practice of abundance in time can be found in the tradition of “Thanksgiving Day” practiced by Americans which...

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The Bath - My Favorite Way to Use Essential Oils Internally!

"The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage every day." -Hippocrates, Father of Western Medicine I absolutely love my daily ritual of a hot aromatic sea salt bath! I credit my bath to helping me resolve numerous health concerns, as well as an excellent preventative measure. One of the questions I'm often asked, "How can I use essential oils internally?" Well, of course, many essential oils are approved for use as food flavors and generally regarded as safe (GRAS) by the FDA in the United States. I do recommend using them as food flavors. As a matter of fact, there's an entire section about Cooking with Essential Oils in my new award-winning book, The Essential Oils...

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Aromas for Lovers and Love Making - The Attraction Oils

"Lovers don't just finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." -RumWhat are the most powerful attraction oils in aromatherapy?Many of the attraction oils are ancient and have used for thousands of years as aphrodisiacs, to enhance the love bond between couples and increase the energetic frequency for attracting your desired outcome. Elevating your mental frequency by focusing your imagination upon your heart's desire will have the affect of draining energy out of your old mental pattern which causes it to loses its magnetism and naturally fall away. In this article you'll find out how the power of scent can help: Attract your soulmate/life partner Strengthen your love connection Enhance your love making experience Get unstuck from creating the same...

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