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2 Key Essential Oils to Use for a Bartholin's Cyst & How to Use Them

For back story on what a Bartholin cyst is and how it all began for my discovery of these two key essential oils read my first article in this series, Essential Oils for Women's Health Bartholin Cyst.Here are two of the best essential oils to consider using as a comfort care measure and to promote drainage and healing of a Bartholin cyst, along with a 'generic' Bartholin cyst formula and how to use it.CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens) Cypress oil has a distinctly clean, fresh, woody aroma that's light and clear with a hint of spice. Reminiscent of pine and juniper berry the oil is distilled from the leaves (needles) and cones of the column shaped, evergreen Cypress tree from the Mediterranean region...

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